Chapter 30

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Becky woke up to find Freen's arm wrapped around her. They were cuddling, and Freen was still fast asleep.

Becky shifted gently so she could see Freen's peaceful face. She wanted to remember every detail, from her sparkling eyes to her cute nose and soft lips. She couldn't help but feel proud that the girl beside her was hers, even if it was just for a little while.

A warm smile spread across Becky's face as she traced the contours of Freen's flawless features. When her fingers reached Freen's lips, Becky couldn't help but grin. Freen was undeniably beautiful, like a work of art.

"I love you, Freen," Becky whispered. "My love for you is like the unending cycle of the sun-always there, no matter the distance. I'll always be by your side." Becky leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Freen's forehead.

Becky slipped out of bed and put on Freen's clothes. She headed to the shore to watch the sunrise, feeling a pang of sadness deep inside. It was day seven, the last day she'd spend with Freen.

Tears welled up in Becky's eyes as she realized there was nothing more she could do to stay with Freen. Freen wanted her to return to her own world, not because she was tired of her, but because it was the right thing to do. Becky remembered Richie's words from her dreams-she needed to find that girl to return.

"Friend," Becky muttered the name from her dreams. "Why does it feel like Friend isn't the reason I entered the capsule?" Becky chuckled at her own thoughts and kicked a lone stone in the fine sand.

"Don't dive too deep into your thoughts," Freen's voice echoed, causing Becky to turn around. Freen smiled and approached her. "You're up early. How are you feeling?"

"I'll never be completely okay, Freen," Becky replied, rolling her eyes.

"Just pretend for my sake," Freen said with a grin, gazing at the sunrise.

"Oh," Becky mumbled. "I'm okay."

Freen chuckled and wrapped her arms around Becky's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. "Do you know why I love sunrises and sunsets?"

Becky shook her head. She hadn't read this in Freen's journal.

"Because they symbolize new beginnings and the chance to let go of the past," Freen explained, sighing. "It's like saying goodbye to something so you can welcome something better. But sometimes, I wish I didn't have to move forward, Becky. I wish I could keep you forever. But time is a tough opponent, and I can't beat it."

"You don't have to fight it, Freen. I'll do it," Becky said with a faint smile.

"Aren't you tired of fighting?" Freen asked, gently tucking a strand of Becky's hair behind her ear. "Let's enjoy today and rest afterward. This is a battle we can't win."

Becky understood that Freen wanted to fight for their love, but the obstacles were insurmountable. She couldn't defy time, which kept them apart. If only she could build a bridge between the past and the present, she would, but the world had its rules. Those from the past had to stay there, and those in the present couldn't go back. No matter what they did, they'd never meet again in the future.

"Let's grab some food; I'm starving," Freen chuckled and reached for Becky's hand, intertwining their fingers.

Timeless || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now