Chapter 27

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"Freenky! Wake up!" Becky shook Freen to rouse her, but Freen just buried her face under the blanket. Becky knew better than to pull it off; with Freen, you never knew if she was decent under there.

"Give me five more minutes. You kept me up all night," mumbled Freen as she rolled over to sleep.

"Kept you up all night? You were the one building sandcastles and never coming back to the room!" Becky retorted. "Get up! We've got plans." She playfully spanked Freen's hip before slipping out of bed.

"Alright, alright," Freen conceded, waiting for Becky to leave the room before she could get herself together.

Becky headed to the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast for Freen. A sandwich would do, considering they were heading to the nearest island to grab some drinks. Becky hadn't tried anything alcoholic before; her brother said she was too young.

"Ten minutes, Freen!" Becky called out.

"Quit it!" Freen snapped, making Becky chuckle.

Becky knew not to rush Freen. She knew how much she hated being hurried, and she didn't want to add to her stress. Most people didn't like being rushed; they usually procrastinated instead.

"I'm ready!" Freen shouted, grinning at Becky. She was wearing a short outfit with a strapless bra, looking quite daring.

"Change," Becky urged.

"No, we'll be late," Freen crossed her arms and gave Becky a glare.

"You'll change or we won't go," Becky threatened.

"But why? It's an island; most people there wear the same thing. Can't I just wear this?" Freen pouted.

"You won't pass as cute, Freen. Change," Becky ordered firmly, prompting Freen to sigh and head back to the room.

When Freen returned, she was in a one-piece bikini with a cardigan to cover up a bit. Becky knew Freen liked it, so she let her be.

Becky took the wheel of the speedboat, steering them to the next island. The place was bustling with people, so Becky followed Freen, not wanting to draw too much attention.

"What do you want to drink?" Freen asked Becky as they reached the beverage shop. It was a small place on the island selling various alcoholic drinks that you could take anywhere since it was surrounded by private islands.

"Surprise me," Becky whispered, still feeling a bit shy.

Freen chuckled and placed their order. As Becky looked around, she noticed a guy eyeing Freen from head to toe. He approached and stood beside her. Becky watched them closely, and her expression darkened when she saw the guy's hand inching towards Freen's waist.

Becky slapped the guy's hand away and wrapped her arms around Freen. The guy glared at her, and she raised an eyebrow.

"What's your problem?" he asked in frustration.

"I should be asking you that question," Becky snapped.

Freen, confused by the situation, stepped in and stopped Becky. She didn't know what happened, so she looked at her.

"What's going on?" Freen asked.

"Your sister just slapped my hand," the guy told Freen.

"I'm not her sister, you st*pid m*therf*ck*r idi*t!" Becky shouted and almost threw a punch at the guy before Freen intervened.

Freen was shocked to hear Becky curse like that. She wondered where she had picked up those words.

Someone intervened to stop the fight, and the owner asked them to leave. Freen apologized for the incident, and she drove them back to their special island, looking disappointed.

"Why did you do that?" Freen asked.

"He was touching what's mine," Becky replied, looking down and sighing.

"What's 'mine'? Specifically?"

"You. You belong to me, right?" Becky asked with innocent eyes and a pout. She glanced away and sighed.

Freen fell silent, chuckling as she rubbed the back of her neck. She had thought Becky was just looking for a fight out of boredom, but it turned out Becky was simply jealous. That was it.

"Let's eat, you're starving." Freen reached for Becky's hand.

"Why can't you answer me?" Becky asked.

"You're not asking." Freen crossed her arms. "What do you want me to answer?"

"Just say, 'yes'." Becky prompted.

"Okay." Freen rolled her eyes. "Yes. Are you happy now?"

Becky smiled a bit and nodded. She tangled her arms with Freen and went inside their cabin.

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