Chapter 25

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Day Two

Freen and Becky had an idea to build a sandcastle by the shore while they daydreamed about the Kingdom of Siam.

Freen was busy crafting her own sandcastle when a sudden wave crashed into it, toppling it over. Becky couldn't help but laugh, which made Freen pout and sulk like a little kid. Freen decided to retreat to their cabin and watched Becky from a distance as she happily worked on her sandcastle.

Freen couldn't resist a mischievous idea to get Becky's attention: she'd change into her bikini. She dashed into the cabin, swapped her outfit, and strolled back to the shore as if she were alone. She began to playfully splash around in the waves, giggling to herself, trying to see if she could tease Becky into reacting.

Meanwhile, Becky was totally absorbed in building her sandcastle to share with Freen. When she finally looked around, she spotted Freen frolicking in the sea.

"Shit!" Becky cursed and rushed to rescue her.

But as soon as Becky got closer, Freen stood up, gazing at Becky's worried face. "Why are you here?" Freen asked, acting as if she hadn't planned this whole thing.

Becky looked at her, her eyes welling up with tears before she burst into sobs. Freen hadn't expected this reaction, so she scanned the area for something to calm her down, remembering that Becky was no longer a child.

"Shh, I'm okay. Nothing happened, okay?" Freen reassured her and wanted to hug Becky, but she was soaked.

"I thought..." Becky sniffled. "You were going to leave me."

Freen moistened her lips and shook her head. She reached for Becky's hand, and like magic, her crying stopped. Freen smiled at her and was about to pull Becky back to the shore, but Becky grinned and playfully pushed her, causing both of them to sink into the sea.

Becky laughed when she got wet, but Freen looked at her with a bit of frustration. Becky sure knew how to keep her on her toes.

"I was just kidding, babe," Becky teased.

Freen playfully stuck her thumb out at Becky, pretending to sulk. She headed back to the cabin, realizing that her bikini plan hadn't gotten Becky's attention.

However, as Freen entered the bathroom, Becky suddenly grabbed her arm and made her face her. Becky looked her up and down and tilted her head.

"Who said you could wear this?" Becky asked, locking eyes with Freen. "Just because there's no one else here doesn't mean you can wear that."

"What's the point of going to the beach if I can't wear a bikini?" Freen raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Don't you want to see me in this?"

"I prefer it off," Becky said with a playful grin.

Freen could feel her cheeks getting warm again, so she turned around to enter the bathroom. But this time, Becky grabbed her, and with a quick move, she kissed the side of her lips, causing Freen to freeze for a moment.

"Let's shower together," Becky whispered.

"You pervert," Freen pushed Becky and went into the bathroom alone.

Becky laughed and waited for Freen to finish. She walked into their room and spotted the journal she had brought with her. She looked around to make sure Freen wasn't watching because she couldn't let her see that she was hiding her journal.

Through that journal, Becky learned everything about Freen. She discovered how Freen had grown up without a family, how she had become lost and forgotten about her family. Freen didn't know where to turn, and Heng was the only person who had helped her. But her hardships didn't stop there. Freen had endured a lot, and she deserved the happiness she had now.

Becky had felt immense pity for Freen the first time she read about it. Freen had always been a strong woman from the beginning, which is why she put on a tough exterior even though deep down, she wanted to be soft. She had read countless novels and put in tremendous effort to become a bestselling author.

Becky carefully hid the journal among her things because Freen never poked around in her belongings. It was safe there.

"I'm done. Aren't you going to take a shower too?" Freen asked while drying her hair with a towel.

Becky's eyes widened when she saw Freen walking around the room naked. She quickly closed her eyes and walked away.

"Why? You told me you liked to see it off!" Freen shouted before Becky could close the door.

Becky clutched her chest. How could Freen take her words so seriously? Her face grew warm, so she rushed into the bathroom before Freen could tease her any further.

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