Chapter 3

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Freen walked around, determined to find Becky. She approached strangers with newfound confidence, something she'd learned from Becky's influence. It was a refreshing change for Freen to start conversations with people first.

"Ugh, where is she?" Freen grumbled quietly, scanning her surroundings for any sign of Becky.

After enlisting Heng's help, he searched near the café since Mew had mentioned that Becky followed Freen's car. Despite their efforts, Freen eventually gave up and took a breather on a chair outside a convenience store. She let out a sigh and called Heng for an update, but he didn't answer, which only added to her growing irritation. Frustrated, she decided to step into the convenience store. Just as she was about to enter, a flash of familiarity caught her eye—a dress that belonged to Becky.

Without a doubt, it was Becky's dress. Freen approached her cautiously, noticing that Becky was observing the people inside the store. Hunger was evident in Becky's stance, as she held onto her stomach.

As Becky made to leave, Freen reached out and grabbed her hand. There was an unexplainable relief in seeing Becky again. Freen held onto her tightly, causing Becky's eyes to widen in surprise.

Earlier, Freen had left Becky in a vulnerable situation with some intimidating guys. Becky had been scared and had desperately tried to escape. She followed Freen, but the car had sped away too quickly, leaving her lost.

Becky attempted to return the hug, but Freen pulled away, instead taking her hand and guiding her into the car. Freen fastened Becky's seatbelt, and throughout the drive, Becky remained quiet, refraining from asking Freen too many questions. She didn't want to disappoint Freen, considering they were still practically strangers. While Becky was eager to learn Freen's name, she hesitated, fearing she might upset Freen somehow.

"I'm Freen," Freen finally introduced herself, breaking the silence. "You can stay at my place until we find your family. It's not safe out here, and well, you're pretty attractive. It's risky for you to wander around."

"Did you just call me attractive?" Becky asked, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Freen blushed, quickly shifting her focus back to driving and brushing off the question. She didn't fully understand why she'd said that, but it was true. Becky was undeniably good-looking, and Freen worried about her safety if the wrong person noticed her.

"Thank you, Freen," Becky responded, her head slightly lowered due to the seatbelt.

"Why do you keep bowing? Are you into Korean culture?" Freen chuckled, shaking her head.

"Korean? Aren't people doing 'wai' now?" Becky inquired.

Freen laughed, giving Becky a thumbs-up. "You're close, but you should press your palms together, like you're praying."

"Oops, my bad," Becky replied, lowering her head once more. "Things have changed a lot in Siam."

"Siam?" Freen asked, intrigued.

Freen knew that Thailand was once called Siam until 1939. Becky's choice of words was puzzling. Did she mean she lived in an earlier time? Could she possibly be from the late 1800s? Freen's mind raced as they arrived at her apartment. She tried to dismiss the idea, but Becky's comments kept echoing in her thoughts.

"So, how old are you?" Freen inquired, setting food in front of Becky.

"What year is it now?" Becky countered.

"Forget it," Freen shook her head, anticipating an exaggerated "100+" response that would only add to her confusion.

Freen watched as Becky ate with a grace that belied her hunger. Her mannerisms suggested she had good table etiquette, and it was a relief for Freen. She didn't want to be helping someone unstable or dangerous.

Although Freen wanted to learn more about Becky, she could see the exhaustion in her eyes. Realizing that Becky needed rest, she led her to the bathroom to wash up.

"Are you familiar with bathtubs?" Freen asked.

"I'm not clueless," Becky retorted before closing the bathroom door.

Freen nodded slowly, understanding that she might have inadvertently offended Becky. It seemed that bathtubs were indeed around before Becky's time, as Becky's reaction indicated.

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