Chapter 15

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After Billy left, Freen cleaned the table without exchanging a word with Becky, even though Becky was talking and asking about how things went. Freen felt hurt by her actions. She was offended and irritated. Moreover, she couldn't believe how Becky didn't realize the danger of bringing a stranger into their house. Freen thought that Becky should be grateful that Billy turned out to be a good person.

"Freen," Becky called softly, holding out a candy to her. Freen looked at it curiously.

"What's this? A peace offering?" Freen asked, her tone chilly.

Becky shook her head. "I can't open it. Could you help me with that?"

Rolling her eyes and sighing, Freen opened the candy, and Becky popped it into her mouth, expressing her gratitude.

As Freen continued cleaning the table and washing dishes, Becky just watched her without helping.

"Why are you upset? Do you like this candy?" Becky asked, but Freen chose to ignore her. "It's just one piece, but I can give it to you." Becky's voice held a tinge of sadness, causing Freen to finally glance at her.

Freen was taken by surprise when Becky leaned in and transferred the candy into her mouth. She stood frozen, shocked by Becky's actions.

Becky had actually kissed her! That was it.

"Is everything okay?" Becky asked innocently, yet Freen remained stunned. "If you didn't like it, you could give it back." Becky pressed her lips to Freen's once more.

Freen felt her head spinning. She didn't know how to react; she was caught off guard. She stood there, watching as Becky used her mouth to try and retrieve the candy from her.

Once Becky managed to get the candy, she patted Freen's head and left the kitchen.

"Becky!" Freen called out loudly, causing Becky to halt before entering her room.

Becky hurried back to Freen and looked at her with an innocent expression, as if she had no clue about her own actions. But Becky knew exactly what she was doing. She had wanted to kiss Freen and had used the candy as an excuse. Yet she couldn't admit it. She'd desired to experience a kiss like she'd read about in books, imagining soft and sweet lips.

"Why did you do that?" Freen asked, not angry but still bewildered by Becky's behavior. "Do you realize what that meant? You just took my first kiss."

That was it! It was called a kiss! Becky lowered her head and shook it, feigning ignorance. She was lying. She understood everything—the meaning, the significance, all of it.

"You shouldn't do something like that, especially to someone you don't know well. Got it?" Freen scolded, and Becky nodded.

"But can I do it to you? I know you," Becky replied, toying with her fingers.

This was something Freen wasn't sure about. Why did Becky feel the urge to kiss her? Was it because her lips were just too tempting to resist? Becky herself didn't know why she felt this way.

"No, you can't. That's something you should only do with a lover," Freen explained.

"Don't you love me?" Becky asked, her eyes welling up with tears.

Freen struggled to find the right words. If she told Becky she didn't love her, it would be taken as a sign of hate.

"A lover, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Someone you're in a romantic relationship with," Freen sighed, massaging her temple. Explaining these things was exhausting. She wondered why Becky's parents hadn't talked to her about this. Maybe she was still young, that's why.

"Sorry, I won't do it again to you," Becky sighed and excused herself. "I'll find a lover."

Freen scoffed at her response. Was Becky rebelling now?

"What did you say? And where did you even learn about this?" Freen asked.

"From 'Fifty Shades.' It's a book in your library," Becky answered, averting her gaze.

And now, Freen realized it was partly her fault that Becky was curious. She should've hidden that book better.

"Okay, listen to me," Freen grasped Becky's shoulder, looking her in the eyes. "You're still young, and you shouldn't rush into these things."

"Why? I'm old enough," Becky reasoned.

"You're still like a kid to me, Becky," Freen retorted, surprised at her own words. "I mean, you're still young in my eyes. So, please avoid doing things like that."

"But can I do it with someone I love? I love you," Becky asked.

Freen was taken aback. Becky didn't mean it that way. If she said no, Becky would likely ask more questions, and she didn't want to explain further. If she said yes, she feared that Becky might do it recklessly.

"Fine, I'll allow it, but only with my permission. Understood?" Freen asked, her heart racing. She could always say no later on if needed. Problem solved.

"Got it," Becky pouted and turned away.

Wow, this was a seriously complicated conversation.

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