Chapter 5

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"I'm not searching for a housemaid, but for a partner in life," Freen typed, cringing as she erased her laptop's previous attempts. For days, she'd been attempting to write a romance novel per her editor's request, but inspiration remained elusive. Despite indulging in romantic and steamy movies, the spark to write just wasn't igniting.

"Fall in love," her editor had advised, a starting point for her novel. Yet, as a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic and gay individual, Freen struggled. She often wondered if she was less gay and more asexual.

"Can I cook this?" Becky's question caught Freen off guard, startling her once again. Lately, Becky had developed an uncanny knack for sneaking up on her, moving so lightly that her footsteps were nearly undetectable.

Freen clutched her chest and gave Becky a sideways glance. Her startling tendencies were becoming a daily habit. "Next time, maybe knock," Freen suggested before looking at the food in Becky's hands. "You can just use the microwave to heat it up, that should do."

Becky seemed perplexed as she peered at Freen's laptop, her brows furrowing. Whatever she read seemed confusing, but she dismissed it with a shake of her head.

"What's a microwave?" Becky inquired.

Remembering Becky's unfamiliarity with modern technology, Freen decided not to push the matter. "It's that white appliance near the fridge. You can read, right? Just press a few buttons." Freen's attention drifted back to her laptop.

She needed an outline and a first chapter before passing it to Heng. She actually wanted to delve into a thriller, but her editor's demands didn't allow for such creative freedom.

With a sigh, Freen massaged her temple, only to jump once again at a loud explosion. Her eyes darted to the kitchen window, her heart racing.

"What happened?" Freen hurried over to Becky's side. Becky had disconnected the microwave, looking both shocked and apologetic. Luckily, she wasn't injured.

"I didn't mean for that to happen, I'm sorry," Becky apologized, attempting to clean the mess. Freen, however, stopped her, focusing on Becky's hand instead.

"Are you hurt?" Freen asked, concerned. "Leave the mess for now; I'll clean it up later."

Freen guided Becky to the couch, checking her hand for any injuries. Finding none, Freen felt a sense of relief. Seeing Becky hurt was something she couldn't bear. Not knowing Becky's background, Freen worried that any visible bruises could lead to trouble, especially if Becky came from a well-off family.

"Rest for a bit, and I'll whip up something for you," Freen suggested, gesturing toward her room.

As Freen cleaned up Becky's mess and reached out to Heng to vent, she realized that the past few days had been peaceful since Becky had been immersed in books. Yet, today, Becky seemed to have woken up with a different attitude.

"You want Becky to stay at my place?" Heng chuckled on the other end of the line. "You're taking this a bit far, don't you think?"

"I'm dead serious, Heng. I can't handle her anymore. You know how I am—people just aren't my thing. I can't risk her getting hurt on my watch," Freen vented, stirring a pot of soup.

"I'm out of town, Freen. Can you manage a few more days? Once I'm back, I'll take care of it. Deal?" Heng's voice was patient.

"Fine, just a few more days," Freen agreed before hanging up and continuing her cooking.

Unbeknownst to her, Becky was eavesdropping. Frowning, she retreated to her room. She had unintentionally caused Freen a lot of trouble and didn't want to burden her any further. But where could she go? Freen was the only person who had accepted her and believed in her stories. How could she repay the kindness?

Then, Becky remembered Freen's laptop, specifically the note about searching for a partner. Maybe, if she showed herself to be wife material, Freen wouldn't be so upset anymore.

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