Chapter 18

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As usual, Becky whipped up some breakfast for Freen to spare her from any distractions while she was working. Today, Becky had a secret she wanted to share with Freen. She didn't want to keep anything from her anymore.

"What's on your mind?" Freen asked, a bit anxious after sensing Becky's need to talk.

"Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll give you an honest answer, as long as I remember," Becky said, looking straight into Freen's eyes.

Freen hesitated, unsure of what to ask. Apart from being curious about why Becky entered the capsule, she wanted to know Becky's age before she entered her world.

"Do you remember how old you are?" Freen inquired.

"I'm twenty-three," Becky replied, lowering her head.

"But why did you act like a child?" Freen asked, her tone serious. "Or is it just me who sees you that way?"

"I'm sorry. I just didn't understand how this world works. Our timelines are different, Freen. I didn't know how to act or what to say. And as for that kiss and all, I was completely unfamiliar with it. I had no prior experience," Becky admitted.

"So, it was just my perception. I thought you were still a kid, and that's why I treated you as one. I apologize," Freen said with a sigh. "Let's dig in."

"I also remember why I entered the capsule, but still unsure," Becky said, lifting her head and meeting Freen's gaze without any emotion. "I was searching for someone, but I'm not sure about our relationship. I've seen her in my dreams, and we were very close."

"What's her name?" Freen asked, her heart racing. This was her fear coming true. She hadn't expected Becky to have entered the capsule for a romantic partner, and she didn't want that.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to recall. But her face is vivid in my mind. We were by the seashore with my brother. He was there, watching us and teasing us," Becky sighed. "Maybe, like you, Freen, I'm attracted to girls, and she might have been my lover."

Freen's world shattered at Becky's words. She couldn't accept it, though she couldn't understand why she felt this way. Why was she jealous? Could it be because she had feelings for Becky? But she knew that one day, Becky would return to her own timeline, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"So, are you planning to search for her now?" Freen asked, struggling to swallow her food.

"I don't know. I want to remember her first. I want to clarify everything. What if she's not the reason? What if my memory is mixed up?" Becky shook her head, clearly confused. "I need to go to the seashore. I need to remember her as soon as possible."

"Let me help you then," Freen offered, causing Becky to look at her once again.

"But aren't you busy? You have work, right?" Becky asked.

"Don't worry about it. You're more important than anything else," Freen smiled and ruffled Becky's hair.

There she went again, treating Becky like a child.

Freen gestured for Becky to eat, sporting a smile on her face, even though she was hurting inside. What if that girl turned out to be Becky's partner? Would she leave her? She had been expecting this, but why did it hurt so much? Freen couldn't make sense of her feelings. Perhaps, she'd help Becky, and once everything was sorted, she'd move on.

"Freen," Becky called her name, pulling her from her thoughts.


"Would you be happy if I went back to my timeline?" Becky asked.

No, she wanted to say, but that would be selfish. Becky had a life to return to, and she had family waiting for her.

"As long as you're happy," Freen replied. "I'll support you in whatever you decide."

It felt like a thousand knives stabbed her heart. Why was it so difficult to ask Becky to stay? Why did the universe have to make her fall for someone from a different generation?

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