1. Nayantara

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Author's pov

The winter night was bitterly cold, enveloping the sky in darkness. The stars gleamed with brilliance, casting their radiant light upon the entire palace. The beauty of the palace was enhanced by the warm glow of oil lamps, illuminating every corner. Diligent guards stood watch, ensuring the safety of the entire palace.

The balcony was graced by the presence of a person dressed in a white, elegant lehenga. Her lustrous, waist-length black hair cascaded down, adding to her allure. She looked like a enchantress standing under the moonlight.

The scene appeared peaceful on the surface, yet she was mess from inside.

It had been ten days since her life took an unexpected turn. She found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions, unsure of what to feel anymore. Just ten days ago, everything was as it should be - everyone was content and happiness filled the air. But now, nothing seemed familiar, and the once joyful faces had turned gloomy.

It had been ten days since she had lost her kaka sa. He held a special place in her heart, like a godfather figure. Their bond had formed during her childhood, and whenever he visited her palace, he would shower her with numerous gifts and toys. He would spend quality time playing with her, showing his affection as if she were his own daughter. It was no surprise, considering she was the daughter of his closest friend.

Unfortunately, he had passed away. She didn't even got the opportunity to see him one last time.

Her father had been unwell for the past ten days. There were rumors circulating that he was responsible for his best friend's death. It was baffling how people could jump to such conclusions without understanding the strong bond between her father and his friend. Now, her father was burdened with guilt for not being able to prevent the tragedy that took his friend's life.

Every kingdom that used to be allies with 'Somgarh' her kingdom had now started to oppose Somgarh. Her brothers were preoccupied with the duties of the kingdom. It was widely believed that her father's actions as a traitor had led to significant losses for the kingdom of Somgarh.


Suddenly, a voice pierced through her thoughts, pulling her back to reality. She recognised the voice immediately, It was her bhabhi sa who had called out her name.

"Ji" she replied without turning back.

"What are you doing there..?? It's cold outside come here.."

Her bhabhi sa said.

Nayantara gave a last glance at the moon and turned back to go inside her chamber.

She sat on one seater sofa facing her bhabhi sa.

"I have brought your dinner."

The woman in red lehanga said to Nayantara.

"I am not hungry bhabhi sa."

She responded with a blank expression as she removed her bangles and placed them on the table.

"Nayantara, you haven't eaten anything since this morning. Please have something to eat."

Her bhabhi sa said while giving a bite to Nayantara.

Nayantara without saying anything ate it. After a while, when she finished her meal, she inquired about the question she had been wanting to ask from some time.

"Bhabhi sa, can i go to Rajgarh..?"

She asked with a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.

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