23. New sensations.

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Sorry for the late update guyzz!!

But i was busy preparing for the exam which was on 4th may due to which i was not able to update. But from now on i will try to update more frequently.

And thank you for 12k reads! <3

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Nayantara's pov


My heart was thumping loudly within my chest, as i turned around my breath hitched when i saw Anirudh standing just in front of me. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you doing here..?"

He asked, i gulped and licked my lips before saying

"Uhm...i was.....i was going towards our chamber."

I stammered, and pointed in the right direction.

"Then why were you standing here..??"

He again asked, with more confusion in his eyes. I struggled to find out the right words which i could say to him.

"I was....just.. admiring the view from here!"

I replied, and instantly cursed myself for such a pathetic excuse. He raised his one brow and said

"Really Tara, the view from our balcony is much better than the view from here!"

I just looked down fidgeting with my fingers.

"Come on, let's go."

He said and held my hand in his and started walking towards our chamber.

I just walked with him but my mind was still replaying the scene from earlier. I was in a dilemma if i should tell Anirudh about the chief commander or not. But what if he did not believe me?

I shook my head and decided to investigate this myself and collect the proofs. I needed to find out the truth and till the time, i would not tell him anything.

"Where are you lost??"

Anirudh's voice interrupted my chain of thoughts. I looked at him and realised that we were already in our chamber.

"I have called you three times Tara but you did not reply me once!"


"It's fine, you were so much busy in reading a book that you even forget about your dinner. Let's eat."

He said and pointed towards the table where the food was already placed. We sat on the sofa and served ourselves. And started eating. It was silent, too silent until Anirudh decided to break it.

"Aap thik hain..?"

{"Are you fine..?"

He asked in a soft voice looking at me worriedly. I chewed down the food which was in my mouth and nodded.

"Aap janti hai, agar aapko koi bhi pareshani hai toh aap hamein bata sakti hai, Tara."

{"You know, if you have any problem you can tell me, Tara."}

He said and cupped my cheeks. I looked at him and nodded.

He sighed, and suddenly pulled me on his lap in just a second.

Nayantara~ The Epitome Of Beauty Where stories live. Discover now