10. Nayantara's promise.

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Nayantara's pov

It was late in the morning and I was in my chamber sitting in the resting area. I was reading a book but my mind was  somewhere else.

A letter arrived yesterday from a neighboring kingdom, where my younger brother had traveled a few days ago for a meeting. The letter stated that they were ready to offer us a loan and were interested in doing business with us.

After receiving the letter everyone were quiet happy that soon everything would be fine. But then also there was sadness on their faces.

It had been two days since i agreed to marry Anirudh. Today was the third day and they were expected to come anytime today. They had already said to bhaisa that if we agreed to the condition then they would come to Somgarh for the marriage. They would stay here till the marriage take place.

After a while i heard resounding beats of drums, indicating the arrival of special guests at our palace. And i knew it was none other then the people from Rajgarh.

I sighed and suddenly i started feeling nervous. But I didn't got up, i just stayed there. I would not go to see those people who were the reason behind our miseries.

After about one or two hour i heard a knock on my door i allowed the person to enter. Soon Kashmira came and sat beside me.

"Why didn't you came downstairs for the welcome..?"

She asked me looking slightly confused.

" I didn't wanted to..!"

I replied calmly looking at my book.

"Don't you....want to meet Anirudh before the marriage..?"

She asked hesitatingly.

"No why would i..?"

"To talk Nayantara....you have to talk to him before the marriage. You both are going to get married, it's a sacred bond. And whatever the situation is, it don't change the fact that you both love each other and are going to get married. I think you should talk to him once before the marriage."

"There is nothing to talk Kashmira. If he had ever loved me then he would not have done all this. Even if we talk, it will not change the fact that our marriage is just a settlement!"

I yelled looking at her. It hurt that the person i loved was the cause of all the problems. It hurt that for me marriage was always a special and sacred bond but now it was just a settlement. A deal!

"I am sorry...i just thought if you both can talk then-"

She got cut off by the knock on my door.

I allowed the person to come. An attendee came and said

"Princess,  maharaj (former king) has asked you to come and visit him in his chamber."

I furrowed my brows but nodded. Why bapusa had asked me to visit him. I looked towards Kashmira.

"It's okay you can go, i am also going to meet bapusa."

I said getting up and putting my book in the shelf. She nodded and left.

Soon i was standing in front of my parents chamber. The palace was adorned with flowers in celebration of a wedding taking place within its walls. The guards opened the door for me, and I entered to find my bapusa peacefully resting on the bed. He was half-sitting, with his head resting on the headrest and his eyes gently closed.

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