7. War..!!

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Anirudh's pov

I was getting ready in my chamber for the day ahead. Although it was early morning, I had a significant amount of pending work that needed my attention. Prior to diving into my tasks, I had to make a visit to my mother, who had been unwell lately. Not only was she physically unwell, but she also seemed to be avoiding any form of communication with others.

I was almost ready as i last took the most precious thing to me which had so much emotions attached to it and that was my handkerchief. It was simple white cloth which had a small unique golden design engraved on it. It was given by my father on my twenty first birthday, three years had passed since then. My father always gave me a lot of presents on my birthday but this handkerchief was most precious to me.

When my father gave me this, that time it didn't had a design but now it had a beautiful small design engraved on it by my beloved. A year ago, during a trip to Somgarh for some business, I accidentally left it behind. However, Tara, my beloved, looked after it and upon my return to Somgarh, she presented it to me adorned with the exquisite design she had created.

So, It now carried the memories of two most important person of my life. One was my father, and the other was my love. I still loved her despite the pain she caused me, my love for her would always be same.

I was ready to marry her even after knowing that her father killed my father but she trusted her father more then me. I thought she loved me and would understand me but at last she also didn't care about me. At that time i needed her but she didn't came with me and chose her father.

I shook my head trying to focus on today. I didn't knew what destiny had written for us. But she was and would always be my first and last love.

I left my chamber going towards my mother's to check up on her. I knocked for two times before entering. Like always she was in the balcony, i moved towards her, an attendee was there and breakfast was untouched on the table, i sighed. I looked towards the attendee she nodded and exited the chamber.


I called out to her while moving to sit in front. She looked at me before averting her gaze back to the garden.

"Eat something maasa.."

I said, taking a fruit for her.

"I am not hungry Anirudh."

She said still looking in front without any emotions. It hurt to see my own mother like this.

"Please maasa for me eat something.."

I said, it was my daily routine to make my mother eat otherwise she didn't take care of her.

She looked at me and nodded i took a friut giving her she took it and ate while looking at nothing in particular.

I heard the sound of footsteps, i turned around to see Abhimanyu, my younger brother coming he was looking tensed. There was a scroll in his hand.

He came and greeted us and sat beside mother.

"How are you maasa..?"

He asked my mother in return she nodded at him. She didn't liked to talk to anybody now. Not even her own kids.

"What happened..? "

I asked him as i knew he had something important to tell me.

"King Shantanu of indraprastha has sent a letter."

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