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Chapter 33


Friday 8:00 pm


I was looking at Tomlin like he broke the code to all of humanity. I couldn't believe it. The boys were bad. Really bad. You know what I couldn't believe more? That I wasn't mad. I was simply and ridiculously relieved. Yet, I hated that the game was over because I knew for a while something had been going on. I just didn't know exactly what. I was okay with that though because if I didn't know, I couldn't have any emotions. And even if I am relieved I'm still irritated.

Tomlin was going to have to pay for that and thanks to his little game of avoidance it was just him and I home alone tonight. I smiled at him, taking a bite of my dinner. He'd made me steak and asparagus. No one had ever made me a private dinner before. Not even the guys. I couldn't believe how delicious it was.

"Tomlin, this is great. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I think so too. My dad was supposed to be here and he was going to make enough for all of us. He didn't know we'd be having a tiff or that he'd be with his guy tonight."

I snorted and coughed on my green salad. Mister Lemons friend was my dad. He really sounded like he hadn't figured that out yet. I didn't know if I should say anything. Then again he did deserve pay back for squealing. I could do this meanness before tomorrow night and behave for a few more hours.

"Tomlin, you do know who your father is sleeping with. Right?"

"Nah, I don't. I've never asked him and he's never said a word to me about it. Dad likes a little mystery I think."

"It's the general."

Tomlin dropped his fork and stared at me like I was insane. "What the fuck?"

"He's gone to Germany twice in the last three weeks and I'm pretty sure he is thinking of spending some time there long term. Has he not said a word of this to you?" I took another bite of steak and watched his face contort.

He wasn't happy at all. I really thought he and my dad hit it off. I know there was that whole hair comment, but that was it. I frowned in confusion.

"What is it, Lemons?"

"You're enjoying this."

I smirked. "I am. You killed the game. When I killed the game for you, you were pissed too. So, I ended the game you're playing with daddy. You had to have known. Our first night here they went out for drinks Friday and didn't come back until Sunday. Your dad flew with mine to Germany and then came back a few days later."

"What the fuck? You all have fooled me." He put his hand to his head and feigned fainting, falling to the ground in a heap of crying.....no....laughter.

I rolled my eyes, kicking his big ass. He stood up and crawled on my lap with a bitter smile. "No I didn't know, smarty pants. I also don't care. I think you get off on power trips like Andrew. It's sad really. And I only ended your game before tomorrow night because this shit has caused issues with the guys."

I frowned. "What issues? You didn't say that. You just blurted out that Darius is a bastard who fucked them. Which I already knew. He and I worked that out."


I thought about the night me and Darius had that fight and how it ended and to be honest, there's a reason we skipped over it. Later when I was ready to think of how amazing and primal it all was I would. For now I believe it was best to not speak of it. Just like the 2 weeks in the mansion. Things should stay buried sometimes.

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