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Chapter 16


Friday 8:44 pm


A lot of shit had happened this week. I knew that. And I knew it had to be talked about and fixed. I also knew one of the reasons everyone was pissed at me was because I was being wishy-washy about what we were to each other and what this shit all meant.

I also knew it was because I simply wasn't giving in. I decided to be smart and start small and subtle before I went and beat Darius. If you think the guy wasn't enjoying giving me a run for my money. You are sorely mistaken.

He was smirking. Teasing. Silently staring at me with his beautiful eyes. If he wasn't careful I'd treat him like a bottom. But first I needed to address the situation with Jay. I don't know if you caught on, but he skipped out on our alone time and he started a fight.

He needed to be taught a lesson in watching his damn mouth. At these Dinner things we put on I usually do my best to help. Tonight I stood back and bitched the waiters around including my boys.

I saw Jay say something to Darius then hit the door of the exit. I followed, fast on his heels far enough behind to see him enter the employee bathroom. I smiled pushing the door opened behind him. There were only two stalls in the small bathroom and I could see under them easily that only Jay was in here. I shut the door and locked the deadbolt and waited by the sink.

Jay with his white short blonde hair like mine came out glaring at me with his gray eyes, zipping up his pants.

"What?" He asked, glaring at me.

He stuck his hands underneath the water and washed them. Twice. Drying them with one paper towel. Jay was a conservative guy who believed in saving the planet. He looked good in his sleek outfit tonight. I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall of the bathroom.

One hand snaked around his waist while the other landed on his pretty throat. I pressed a knee between his thighs and pressed up into his body. His dick hit my knee and I could feel him grow in his black slacks. My face was mere inches from his and I could see every worry. Every frustration and every want inside of him from here.

"Jay, you've been naughty." I cooed, kissing his chin.

"Ryland, now is not the time."

I chuckled, pressing my lips into his. He moaned into my mouth trying to wrap his arms around me, but I wouldn't let him. I grabbed his hands and pulled them down to his sides and held them tightly against him.

"Now is the perfect time. You think I'm weak. You think I'm letting Darius win."

His eyes went wide. "Yeah, babes. I've seen the extra gazes. I don't know exactly what's up. But something certainly is. And Jay, I want you to know I'll still love you. But right now. I'm pissed." I whispered, leaning my lips to his neck to suckle on the skin below his ear.

I bit him. Then licked him and kissed him lightly. Repeating the movements. "No hickies, Ryland they'll see."

I smiled into his neck and pulled away. "That's the plan, sweets. You want to play dirty? Welcome to the pigsty." I smiled at him and pulled away.

"Go to work, Jay."

He scoffed, fixing his shirt and apron around his waist and walked away from me. I couldn't tell if he was mad. Or happy. Or scared. But he was definitely not right.



Friday 11:46 pm


"Yo, he texted." I told my friends. "He's ready for the ride."

It was a good thing we just got done with the gig Ryland's dad set us up with. We were serving drinks at a business meeting for him and some of his army vet buddies. I thought it was weird that Mister Lemons was with him, but didn't mention it. No one else did, why should I be the jerk who says it?

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Jay wondered, putting his hands on his hips. I noticed his neck was red like he had hickies or something.

Darius saw it too.

We both sighed and knew more than likely Ryland was having a bad day and said nothing about it.

Jay was wearing black slacks with a white button down and a suit jacket that was gray with pinstripes. His blonde hair was gelled back and sleek looking and boy help me I wanted to jump him. Even if he looked worked over and upset. I repeatedly told myself that I had a girlfriend and to let it go. This farce of a role play with Ryland was going nowhere fast and sooner rather than later I was going to explode. I just could feel it.

"I say we give it our all. We go in guns blazing and see how he reacts. Hit him with our best stuff so to say." Jay offered.

"And if it goes bad?" Ryland still wasn't on board with this. "Yesterday you guys wanted to end the friendship circle. Today everyone's just willing to put that on pause to put the feels out there and see if a new guy bites?"

"Yes." I said in unison with Darius and Jay.

"We didn't mean it. We never mean it. All we ever really want is to-" I cut myself off.

I didn't know exactly what everyone else wanted. I only knew what I wanted and I wanted more than what we all were right now. But I was tired of Ryland making me feel bad about it and calling me a freak. So I shut up.

"Anyway," Jay took over for me, always the grateful savior.

"I like this idea. If nothing else. If he reacts badly. If anyone else feels guilty or whatever. We can laugh that shit off and say it was a joke. Because as of right now it is just that. A fucking joke. It's not like we are adults yet and in a committed relationship with one another." See Jay, he had this way of saying things that meant something on the surface. But under the layer of sarcasm there was deep meaning.

And right now all that was missing from his sentence was the yet--

I sighed looking at Darius. Lately he's been off. So quiet and reserved that I wondered if he was alright.

"D, what do you want to do?"

"I want to press fast forward to get through the rest of the time spent being teens so we can see what happens when we are adults and older. To see what we are a year from now. Since I can't do that. I say do this. If nothing else we won't be bored." He shrugged.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Ryland chided. "Is that everyone's worst fear? That they are bored? Lordy, it's really strange."

"It's not a fear." Darius scoffed. "It's just sometimes you have to move life along ya know. If no one ever changed what they did, life would be stagnant. Who wants that?"

Not me. That's all I really knew at the moment. 

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