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Chapter 28


Tuesday 5:15 pm


As I stared at all four of them I felt this scene was familiar. Them staring at me in anticipation. Me, wondering what to say. It all felt like we were just here and also like it was a million years ago.

"I want to be the first wife." I blurted out.

"Babes, I don't know what that means." Ryland admitted.

"Me either." Darius shook his head. The others did the same. I sighed. I should have made them watch Big Love with me.

"It means I get to be the one who sets the schedule and makes sure everyone is taken care of when Ryland is busy. Someone has to make house rules. Real ones, not sex ones. Especially if there is a big house involved. You lugs aren't going to clean it. And everyone forgets to eat. And everyone forgets to take care of themselves. It bothers me. I want to fix that shit." My voice sounded angrier than I liked, I think it was my nerves.

Ryland smirked at me and scoffed. "Does that mean you're saying yes?"

"Didn't I just say I wanted to be a house bitch? But I have two questions." Everyone squeaked in pleasure and excitement. I hushed them with my hands looking at Ryland.

"Lay it on me."

"Can I really not get a job or go to college? Well one question about two things." I tilted my head to the side and smiled at him.

He glared at me. "Uh. Why?"

I sighed. "I see myself doing this for you. You know being with the boys, being the fifth wheel to the four of you. But I see myself being pampered and worshiped and not having to work that hard to do it. Just giving myself over and making your lives a good life."

"I'd like it." Sammy nodded.

"Me too." Jay raised his hand. Darius smirked at me in a half cocked smile.

"I think this is the perfect dream for me. I can do it. I can be the best house bitch you've ever seen. And you don't even have to twist my arm. I will be willing to do it if you say it's okay of course. I mean I will go to school and work if you make me. Or I guess my dad tries, but I see this clearly. So clearly." I tapped my fingers against my chin.

"I'm pretty sure the boys won't mind giving top spot to you. But Sammy has to have a job because he needs it in his life so no talking him into being your stay at home pet. Because you would do it."

I sighed with a pout. "You really do know me."

"Get over here before I change my mind and make you have a Job of serving us in the bedroom and not as a housekeeper."

"Oh. Ryland do not try my patience of domestication on day one, zero hour."

He chuckled at me as I went to him, plopping down in his lap. The others were beside us, but my focus was solely on Ryland. This was it he was going to finally kiss me. I was nervous enough to jump a little when his lips finally pressed into mine. It was magic the way he made me melt into him.

Ryland took over all of my thoughts. His tongue worked itself into my mouth and I thought I would die of consumption. He tasted like soda and mint. A weird combo I liked. I could spend all day kissing him.

I pulled away feeling a little overwhelmed. I knew these kissing sessions of theirs could get pretty heated. I felt bad when I jumped off of him and ran away to hide in my room. But they'd forgive me and they knew I was embarrassed.

This was when our real journey began. I think anybody would feel a little nervous if they were me. A few more days and I'd get to know what they all felt like. Or looked like. Fuck I don't even know. Yay.

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