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Chapter 3

Sammy pov

Tuesday, 1:15pm


Ryland is a lot of things. A jerk wasn't one of them. So why was he acting this way? I couldn't tell ya. Unless it was because of what happened last week. As I walked to English class, I figured that had to be it. I sighed, hating myself, remembering what I did.

But what did anyone really expect me to do?

I guess nothing. Nothing is what they said I should have done. But that's because they are big burly guys. All three of my best friends were big and scary looking book nerds, who not a soul would mess with. But I'm little, and sometimes that means people are rude to me. Who are they to say I can't defend myself? Ugh, the whole thing made me upset. I would cuss, but Ryland says we have to limit our use on the cursing, so I'm trying to be good. And there I go listening to that fool again. 


See, this is what happened -

Last week, Jay, Darius, Ryland, and I were at pizza on Friday night. Something we always did on Fridays. We cram for next week's tests at Ryland's house for a few hours, and then we stuff our faces. Nothing strange or weird about it.

Until the cheerleaders and basketball players came in after their big loss. The other team won hands down, and I'd tell you the score, but I couldn't care to know. I hate sports. I like to play video games, and that's about as interactive as I get with people.

So imagine all four of us laughing, eating, drinking, not a problem in the world except who is getting the next valedictorian spot because Ryland and Darius both were in the top tier of students with Tomlin Lemons coming up from behind. Then, suddenly, someone throws a piece of paper at our table, hitting our pizza smack dab in the middle of it, ruining the last few pieces of pizza.

Ryland's head snapped up, looking around, but everyone in the restaurant looked away even though everyone saw it. I, being a little snooty brat, grabbed the folded up paper and read it.

"How's the four-way date? Do you need a newcomer?" The note read. I rolled my eyes and wrote, "About as good as your four-way date. No thanks, we got it covered." And threw the note back without telling the guys what it said.

So, I'm now sitting there pissing my pants alone when the jocks rise from the table and come forward. Only Andrew and Dylan, their gay captains who would never allow this behavior, aren't around. It's the younger kids, and at first, I thought we were good because they were smaller and dumber. But then this freshman twerp named Kyle Adams comes to the table and eyes Ryland.

Ryland isn't the one to fuck with. He is a giant of a guy who outshines every basketball player bar none with the exception of their co captains. He was good at the sport too, but he hated politics and refused to play for the school.

The kid looks at me then looks at Ryland like he knows Ryland is my boss or something. Which struck me as crazy because we are just four dudes eating just like them, but I mean what was I to do? And should that offend me? He was like the boss and we did call him bossman. Oh, lord it was looking strange even to me. And that made my mind go haywire looking at this ass-hat.

"What do you want, freshman?" Ryland asked him, eyeing the kid.

"I want a night alone with Sammy. He thinks it's cute to be a smart ass. So, I wanna teach him a lesson. Can that happen, bossman?" The kids voice was so disgustingly sweet my stomach churned the milkshake I just drank over in my belly, souring it.

Darius and Jay both were out of the booth in seconds waiting for the go ahead. I paled and seriously thought of that movie hostel where the guy gets stuck in that hotel and gets cut up just for being on vacation. I don't know why, it's probably the over dramatic thespian in me, but I panicked forgetting I was with three dudes who could stomp this bitch in his place. And Darius and Jay were already standing behind me ready to pounce, but Ryland?

Ryland was still sitting calmly it appeared. I saw it though. The twitch in his jaw. The lines by his eyes were tightening. He was a Supreme being to me. He looked and talked and acted like a God and honestly I'd follow him into hell and just didn't know why. And I hated that. Hated it more than anything. Especially in times like these where I wasn't sure what his navy blue eyes were hiding.

"Kyle, I fail to understand why you would think I have any control over what Sammy does." Was what Ryland said to him, which floored me.

Ryland had a very valid point.

Kyle's fist twisted and his mouth pouted. "Ryland, don't even pretend like you aren't these boys' leader. They don't even shit without you giving them permission. It's only right I ask you before I make Sammy see the errors in his ways."

Now that, that was just disgusting on so many levels. I couldn't stand by and watch this shit anymore. Not even watch it, live it. Be it. And you know why? Because the mother fucker was right.

Not the whole shitting part. But there were things in my life that I didn't do because Ryland said not to. And why? He wasn't my boyfriend. I think I'm straight. He wasn't my brother. I was an only child. Hell, on most days he wasn't even my closest friend because he didn't like to talk. And yet I did certain things, or no, I didn't do certain things because he said not to. And now I was in this mess, and why? Why was I here? It was too much.

I didn't stop or think about any of our friend rules I had my own fucking mind. I could do what I wanted. I attacked this stupid freshman who was to big for his own good. I was small, but scrappy and within seconds I had his big ass pinned face down to the table of all his friends. I smacked his head so hard into the table that milk shakes and sodas fell, spilling all over his ugly, pimply face.

"You know what is so stupid, Kyle? If all you wanted was to get in my pants. All you had to do was ask nicely. Even a guy likes to be swooned, moron." I pulled his face up by his hair and smiled at him. A little blood splattered down his nose and it made me happy.

"Fuck you, Sammy."

I smirked and twitched my nose. "No. Not only are you too young, but you're too stupid." I smacked his head back down and let him go. He jumped up really fast and came after me, but I ended up being saved by Darius who simply stood between me and the kid until he and his friends left knowing we'd kick their asses.

Jay and Darius sat back down with red faces and angry glares at the cars leaving the parking lot. Ryland was eyeing me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking and I was a little scared he was pissed.

"You shouldn't have done that." Rylands dark eyes were piercing me with his scrutiny.

"Yeah, Ryland? I shouldn't have, hu? Well, I did. What about it?" I shrugged, garnering woes and groans from Jay and Darius. I couldn't take it anymore and left to go home and sleep.

We never talked about it again.


So now I am holding Tomlin's phone wondering if Ryland is right. Is it better to leave all this alone like he wants me too? Or should I help this kid? I opened the door to the AP English class I knew I shared with Tomlin, still undecided on what I was going to do. I didn't want to go against Ryland. But I wanted to help.

The thing I forgot about was Tessa Manzoni was in this class too. Just watching her across the room talking to Tomlin made me mad enough to make my decision. 

Ryland be damned.

I didn't know what was going on there, but I did know I was going to press his buttons just to find out. 

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