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Chapter 14


Thursday 6:00pm


"Dad, you can go to Germany. I'm staying here. I'm not leaving the guys. And I finally like someone and I'm not ready to leave yet." I complained.

I guess I was talking about Tomlin, but really I liked all my friends. The three amigos were my partners for life and my dad could suck it. And just like in true dad fashion, he really dropped the ball on this. He waited till tonight to tell me he was being stationed in Germany for a year when he was supposed to leave Saturday morning. He agreed that I could stay, but didn't know who I could stay with.

"Wait," Sammy yelled, pulling out his phone and handing it to my dad.

"This guy is an army recruiter and relocator. My cousin stayed with him last year on leave from Texas because he doesn't have family here, but had a girlfriend." My dad took the phone and walked into the other room.

"What'd you just do Sammy?" I asked him, smacking him in the back of his head because the look he was making said he was up to no good.

"It's Tomlin Lemons dad. He houses army men, why not their son?" Sammy whispered in my ear, everyone laughed, I jumped away angry.

My dad came back into the room acting more than excited. "It's settled. We will meet them for dinner tomorrow night and then I leave on Saturday. Thank you for the help, Sammy boy."

"No problem sir."

Sammy looked alright. But all three of my friends looked like they wanted to say something. My dad went out for a late date with someone and suddenly I was worried about being alone with them.



Thursday 7:30pm


"You can't go through with this horrible plan, Ryland. He basically told us to get lost because we were causing problems." I told him for the hundredth time tonight.

It was just Ryland and I tonight hanging out in his bedroom. Sammy said he had a girl to see, yeah right, and Darius was irritated about Ryland moving in with Tomlin.

I couldn't tell if it was because he was jealous, or angry, or maybe he just didn't think it was a good idea like me. Who knows. Sometimes Darius gets in weird moods that no one can help him out of. I mean the guy just spent the last week not talking for a social experiment. He's such a nerd.

"I don't think he meant it. I think it was all for Tessa's benefit. I'm pretty sure he loves us." Ryland sounded persuasive.

"Loves us?" I scoffed at him. "We don't even love each other. I doubt the guy even thinks of us." I was sitting on the end of his bed and he stopped changing his clothes with his midriff exposed to stare at me for a second before finishing pulling his shirt off. Fuck he was huge. And hot. And all I wanted to do was lick him and show him why we thought he was good enough to boss us around.

Ryland frowned. "I love you. I love you all." He looked offended.

I scoffed again. "When you're not being a jerk. When you're not in a bad mood. When Sammy hasn't pissed you off. When the stars are aligned just right and nothing teeters the eggshells you walk-on."

"Lately everyone just keeps pressing my buttons. Why? Why me? You three can just go somewhere else you know. No one makes you stick around. You make me sound like a horrible friend. If I am then just stay away from me then."

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