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It was evening time,

Reporter 1: miss Han yn, congratulations you got graduated from your school, finally you are going to join college s-

Reporter 2: mam will you join, Seoul international University or Seoul cyber college...

Reporter 3: mam mam we also heard that you are also planning to go abroad for study..

Reporter 2: mam please answer our questions..

They all banged in the black car, and we're speaking continuously in hope of getting a single answer but there wasn't any..

Yn gron and put on her headphones..

Yn: driver uncle, please take me away this bullshit, i never ever thought about moving ahead and they- arghh..

Driver: as you say mam..

They drive away from there, till done distance reporters chased them but car went away from there..

Reporter 1: shit what now .

Reporter 2: mostly kids of politicians, study abroad so we can say this that Miss Han yn, daughter of our president, there are more than 50% chances that she will study abroad..

Reporter 1: you are right , at least we have to make a news doesn't matter wheather it's fake or not , news is news ..

They all left from there..

On the other side,

Yn reached at her mansion,

She came inside only to find her father waiting for her while reading his newspaper..

Han minyeok, yn's real father, he is president of the country from past 20 years. Yeah!! Even before yn was born, he is a big celebrity among County people because he do good works for them..

That's why individuals vote for him , to be their president. He is a family man, yn's mother died when yn was just 4 years old, since then yn's father has grown her up. He is her one and only family..

She loves him more than herself, but the only thing which she hated about him is his job. Because of the attention, which is always on her...

Yn never had hate feeling for her father, but, his position made her hate her reputation. It was all because, everywhere she go reporters are always behind her...

It's the only reason because of which, yn always have a little fight with her..

Coming in living room,she hugs her father from behind..

Yn: heyaa dadda..

Minyeok: hey my babyy..

Yn: how are you, when you came back from Japan??

Minyeok: just few minutes before my baby, how was your result??

Yn: good I got 93.4%..

Minyeok: woww congratulations my baby..

Yn: yupp..

Minyeok: so what you want for your reward hmm..

Yn: i want to America to my favourite cousins you know...

Minyeok: ok, but what about your college?? Do you want to study there in America only or??

Yn: no I'll study here in korea, i will not study in abroad..

Minyeok: which University baby..

Yn: umm Seoul international University, yes that one..

Minyeok: ok, there is still one and half month for your college to start, till then you can enjoy and go wherever you want..

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