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Time skips,

After one month, firstly yn went back to America for packing her rest of luggage. Then, kuru and Lia joined her for going to korea because they serious when they said they will study in korea with yn..

Hobi: hmm I see now I'll free from you both huh!! Otherwise, there was not even a single I lived freely without listening to your complaints..

They giggled..

Hobi: still you both are young and remember to take care of yourself understand..

Lia: of course oppaa..

Hobi: and kuru be careful understand..

Kuru: I know oppa and if Lia will cause trouble I'll inform you quickly...

Hobi: hmmm..

Lia: heyyy not fairrr..

Kuru showed her tongue..

Hobi: yn best of luck you will be dealing with them from now on..

Yn: yeah I need strength..

Hobi and yn giggled..

Lia, kuru: come onnnnn we are not that bad ..

Hobi: bad??

Lia: yeah wae???

Hobi: you are worsttt..

Kuru,Lia: opppaaaaaaaaaaa...

On the other side,

Jk pouted while seating on the back seat of the car..

Jk: why holidays went do fast??

Jimin: don't worry you will enjoy ,like in korea also..

Jk: yeah yeah but stilllll..

Tae started driving towards the private jet airport...

Jimin: so from next week our colleges will be starting..

Tae: hmmm..

Jimin: our last year in college..

Jk: shit mann !! I'll miss my college life very much..

Tae: we know why..

He smiled..

Tae: moron..

Jk: come onnn.

Tae: don't make me open my mouth...

Jk giggled...

Taehyung signed..

Tae:( i didn't find that girl again after that day, but, don't worry I'm just waiting for an perfect opportunity. Just dad announce me as next prime minister, then I'll also take my position over there. Afterwards, no one can stop me)..

They all went to their jet and left to the Korea...

Time skips....

First day of college...

Yn 👇

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