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Time skips at night,

Girls come home to the mansion....

Yn: where is Lia??

Kuru: I don't know, i saw jimin coming to her, so, i thought she would be with him..

Yn: hmmm..

Kuru: it's 9:30 let's wait till 11:00 otherwise I'll call jimin..

Yn: yupp, till then let's get fresh...

Kuru: hm..

They both left, after taking a shower, they changed their clothes...

Time: 10:45...

Kuru got tensed about her big sister, so she decided to call her..

Kuru called her..

After a few rings she picked up.

📱 Kuru: Unnie where are you??

Lia just sobbed..

📱 Kuru: Unnie?? What happened is everything ok??

📱 Lia: I'm sorry kuru, I didn't heard you I got in relationship with him, even though, you told me several times that he is not a good person still..

She cried hard..

📱 Kuru: Unnie tell me what happened..

📱 Lia: you said na, don't show me your face if jimin ever cheated on me. He only dated because I was a bet to him, babe I'm going back. Please, don't come to me now, I'm very guilty about this I'm sorry. Now, I'll be fulfilling my promise, I'll not show you my face. Just, be careful hmm, be aware I don't want things like this to happen with you also. I always pray good for you, I'll wish good for you. Bye!!

She cut the call without hearing...

Kuru: Unnie unnieeeeeeee....

She called her again, but lia's phone was unreachable..

She cried harder and quickly to yn's room..

Yn's side,

She was lying on the bed, while talking with taehyung..

📱 Yn: hmm I got free now..

📱 Tae: hmm..

📱 Yn: where are you taetae...

📱 Tae: I'm at jk's house, we all are having a party here tonight...

📱 Yn: oh but i can't hear any voice??

📱 Tae: hnn because it's a normal one..

He said while looking at the boys, jimin was silently sitting on the couch, while, jk was biting his nails while thinking about something...

📱 Yn: okie..

Door knocked...

Kuru: YNNNNNN...

📱 Yn: kuru...

Yn put phone on the bed and opened the door..

Taehyung was hearing everything..

Yn: kuru what happened why are you crying like this...

Kuru: ynnn unnieee..

Yn: what happened to her..

Kuru: she she..

Yn: sayyy..

Kuru: she left me...

She cried harder while hugging yn...

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