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Time skips after 3 days,


Yn didn't go to college for the past two days, because she said she has a fever. But, only yn and taehyung know the main reason...

Yn cried the whole day in her room, while taehyung was seeing everything from cctv. He was just helpless because he could only protect her, if she would be with him..

He had to wait till marriage, so that he could reveal that dark truth in front of her....


Yn got ready to go to the college and inform her friends about the venue of marriage then they had plans to go shopping after college...

Jimin and Lia, were doing great with each other. Jimin very cleverly hide the truth from because he involved jk in this. Then there was no other proof about the bet. So, he easily manipulated her, now, they are in stable relationship..

As jk ordered, his guards killed all of his sugar babies, then vanished all the cctv footage of jk with other girls behind the back of kuru. Jk got afraid that if she will know about his truth, then she will leave him. Which he can't afford now, because firstly she is pregnant, secondly, he loves her truly now..

Yn got ready,

After finishing her routine, she went down

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After finishing her routine, she went down..

Minyeok: good morning baby...

Yn: good morning dad...

Minyeok: as a day after tomorrow is your marriage, I've transferred money into your account. Buy whatever you want...

Yn: ok dad..

Minyeok: have breakfast now..

Yn nodded...

Yn sat on the chair and started eating her food. After finishing the food, she left to college...

Entering inside the cafeteria,

She saw kuru

She saw kuru

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