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Someone shakes yn..

Yn come back into the reality..

Yn looked at Lia...

Lia: bro where were you??

Kuru smrik..

Kuru: maybe seeing her new crush huh??

Lia: annnn who is he ??

Yn: shut up there is nothing like this..

Kuru: come on, you can tell us..

Yn: ofo nothing paboni i was looking at basketball court..

Kuru: where our seniors are practicing, come on tell us if you have crush on any of our senior..

Yn blushed..

Lia: so she is not lying huh??

Kuru: see..

Yn: it's not like that I'm still confused do I like him or not???

Lia: ooo. .

Yn: hmm that's why, but don't worry once i confirm my feelings than I'll surely tell you guys...

Kuru: of course you have to tell..

Yn smiled..

Yn: let's go to canteen now, we didn't had our breakfast...

They both nodded .

Yn: guys you both go and order, till then i bfjng my books from locker...

Kuru: ok go, we will also place your order..

Yn: yupp..

Twins left to the cafeteria, while the yn went towards the locker room..

Reaching there, she started searching tae's name plate because every locker was allotted to students and their names were written on it..

Yn: this one..

Yn smiled at success when she found his locker...

After opening the locker, her smile vanished away because locker was filled with love letters , strawberry milkshake, cakes, roses etc...

Yn pouted and closed his locker..

Yn: I think i have to find another way, yes his seat..

Yn smiled and went to his classroom but reaching there she saw other girls already putting stuff inside his desk..

Yn got sad and she looked at the letter in her hands then at the sky from corridor..

Yn: is it your sign to try new method???

She asked while looking at the sky..

Yn smiled..

Yn: ok I'll not give up!!!! Fighting!!!!

Yn put letter in the bag, then carried her books and went to the cafeteria...

On the other hand,

Jimin: bro you played really good today?? What's the reason??

Tae: nothing....

He said while closing his eyes, then yn's face come infront of him. He had a small but relaxing smile on his face...

Jk: why are you smiling??

Tae: i remembered that I have dinner with my father tonight that's why..

Jk: you love him very much right!!!

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