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Tae: your mother .

Yn: what .

Tae: yes your mother never died in an accident, she was killed by your own father..

Yn: why you are lying to me?? So that I'll believe you, but no I'll not..

Tae: not me, but you will believe these proves right?? Or when I'll take you to meet your maternal family..

Yn: i can't understand anything, why will my father do that he loved my mother..

Tae:  ok so hear me out, your mother was the daughter of our previous president.  She meet your father during college days, your father is from middle class family , he always wanted to be rich. So , he married your mother then won heart of her father. He got the position of president, then he started plotting against her father. But, during this time you took birth in this world. So, he delayed his plan for some time. Your mother was still aware of his plans, when you turned 5 years old then your mother discovered his truth. She fought with him, then went to her father's house with you. Then, your father made a plan against your mother, and he made her accident. He made an accident of you both with intentions that you both will die on the spot. However, you survived then he played the card of the victim and kept you with himself. That accident was really a heart breaking scene for you. So, you always get bad dreams regarding that day...

Yn was on the edge of crying..

Yn: then how do you know about all this??

Tae: your mother was a good friend of my dad, as he is son of prime minister and your mother was daughter of president. They know each other since childhood, their families wanted them to get married. Even my father also loved your mother, but she fell in love with your father. Besides that one more truth your mother got to know that day which destroyed two families...

Yn: what??

Tae: as your father was behind the wealth of your mother, same my mother was behind the wealth of my father that's why she acted like she loves him then got married with him and had me. But, the dirty truth was since your father was planning all this, he had an affair with my mother. Then, after accident when my father got to know this, he divorced her. Now, she holds a company in America. When I saw you first, you reflected your mother very much. I have seen pictures of my father and your mother. That's when i was sure you are her daughter. My father never hide anything from me, so i know the real face of your cheap father...

Yn finally loosed it and started crying..

Yn: for once I want to believe you, but, how can my father do this, i can't believe..

Tae: i have every prove if you don't want to believe..

Yn was crying hard..

Tae slowly went to her and hugs her...

Tae: don't worry I'm with you..

Yn: no you are not, you are a coldy..

Tae chuckled..

Tae: don't worry, I'm not a coldy for you...

Yn sobs while hugging him tightly and crying her heart loud..

Tae slowly rubs her back..

Yn: and i always thought mom left me, I'm sorry mom i always blamed you without the reason ..

Tae: it's ok yn don't cry .

Yn kept crying...

Taehyung didn't stopped her, he let her cry ..

Tae: sleep now rest we will discuss tomorrow..

Yn: I'm tired...

Tae: hm that's why I'm saying take rest..

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