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Yn blinked her eyes .

Yn: haha you are joking right?? He is from a business background dad..

Yn laughed ..

Minyeok: huh?? Why would I lie about such a big thing to you??

Yn's laugh vanished..

Minyeok: he is really the son of our prime minister and nominee of being the upcoming prime minister...

Yn stood up and looked at tae..

Yn: what my dad is saying?? Is that true???

Tae nodded..

Yn: why did you hide it from me...

Tae: i never hide it, just you never asked from which family I'm. I already told you, I know you are the daughter of the president...

Yn: why you did this to me..

Tae: what you mean?

Yn: no never get lost!! You are not the one I love, i will never marry any politician. If I knew it from the start i would have never fallen in love with you..

Tae's eyes turn dark..

Yn: get lost!! Don't show me your face..

She ran to her room...

Minyeok stands up...

Minyeok: don't worry taehyung, I'll explain everything to her. Don't worry she will marry you ..

Tae: she don't have any other option, rather than marrying me. I'll talk with her myself only, arrange everything for marriage. I'll marry her this Saturday, I want her with me as soon as possible..

Minyeok: but-

Tae: han minyeok, you are her father that's why I'm respecting you. I don't want any kind of distrubance in my work, just do what I say. Marriage this Saturday, then you are free from her responsibility. Just look after her till marriage, she should not run away otherwise you know what I'm capable to do!

He warned yn's father, in his stern cold tone then left yn's room...

Minyeok: arrange everything for marriage...

Mr. Choi: but sir -

Minyeok: no distrubance, everything is going alright, after all i also wanted this..

He said while setting his glasses...

Tae opened the door, without asking for her permission and saw her lying on the bed while crying..

Tae lock the door and approched her...

Yn was crying while hugging her pillow...

Tae: stand up! (coldly)...

Yn was crying silently..

Tae: I said stand up yn!!

He said in very harsh tone...

Yn stand up and throw pillow on him..

Yn: get lost from here, i don't even want to see your face..

Yn screamed on his face, but soon she felt herself getting chocked by taehyung..

Yn: t...

Her breaths were getting low and she was getting less space to form any word in her mouth..

Tae loosed his grip then tightly holds her shoulder..

Tae: the day you said yes to me, since then you are mine. I don't know whether you like politicians or not. But , I'm upcoming prime minister and keep that in your mind. We are going to marry each other on this Saturday. Yn keep in your mind that you are mine now, i will not bear any type of your behaviour against my life choices..

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