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At college,

Girls came into the cafeteria, as they were hungry....

Yn: good morning Jun...

Jun: good morning...

He smiled and they sat together then brought what they wanted to eat..

Lia: yn what's on your face??

Yn: huh what ?

Lia: glow!!

Yn: I can't understand..

Lia: stop acting like you are clueless, we all know the reason behind your glow and happiness ..

She smirked..

Yn laughed...

Yn: paboni, it's not like that stupid, actually I'm happy for you both and I talked with my father. He said he will try to come fast..

Kuru: ok but why did you do that you don't like our company??

Yn: it's not like that I need to talk about my love with him also, as you know if he will be against my relationship then i will not be able to have a life I want..

Lia: are you in a relationship with him??

Yn: no not now, I'm just saying that with my own opinion..

Kuru: don't think too much, uncle will agree if your happiness will be with him...

Yn: yuppp..

Jun: guys are you also coming to the match!!

Yn: it's tomorrow right!?

Jun: yess...

Lia: of we will come, I'll support my boyfriend..

Yn laughed...

Yn: okok mam, we will help you in supporting your boyfriend...

Lia: yuppp..

Lia: what about Jackson sunbaenim??

Lia: who??

Yn told her that how they meet senior's of other college in club..

Lia: oh ok...

Yn: yuppp...

Lia: you can wish them good luck, because i know my chim will win...

Yn: yah yah you and your chim...

She giggled...

Jimin: oh is someone remembering me??

Lia: hii baby good morning...

Jimin: good morning baby...

Jk: hey princess...

She blushed and nodded..

Lia,yn: princess huh??

They looked at her with teasing smrik..

Kuru: eat your breakfast..

Lia: hmmmm..

Jimin: can we join you guys??

Lia: yes yes, is that even a thing to ask??

Lia made him sit near her...

Jimin: aishhh...

She smiled..

Jk: may i??

She nodded and he also sat near her...

Yn observed that taehyung was still not there to be find..

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