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Girls looked at the voice....

??: Hi myself Jun, I'm new here and I tried to communicate with others but they didn't really want to have a conversation with me..

He said with a sad face..

Jin: but if you guys don't have any problems, then can I be friend with you..

They smile..

Yn: yeah we have no problem, come sit...

He smiled and sat with them..

Yn: hlo myself han yn...

Kuru: hii myself Jung kuru..

Lia: hi I'm Jung Lia..

Kuru,Lia: we both are twins..

He smiled..

Jun: my full name is wen junhui..

Kuru: you are Chinese, woww i love their culture...

Jun: reallyyyyyy I'll be very happy to share that with you..

They clap with each other's hand..

Lia: it's really boring here..

Kuru: yeah there is no fun..

Jun: maybe it's because we are new today na..

Kuru: yeahhh..

Their talking had no effect on yn, because she was not aware of anything accept the boy playing with his team on the ground..

Yn:( he is so charming, why can't I take off my eyes from him... Damnnn I think I got a new crush, shit i didn't even get ready properly for today but I swear from tomorrow I'll be ready very nicely)..

Someone shake yn .

Lia: babe are you here..

Yn: yeah just getting bored..

Bell rings..

Kuru: i think teacher will come..

Lectures started..

As it was first day, periods went in introduction of students then teacher's give them syllabus..

At lunch time,

Yn: finally we have explore the college..

Kuru: firstly let's eat something..

Lia: yeahhh beer...

Kuru: no not nowwww you mad, We still have few lectures to attend..

Lia pouted..

Lia: I'm elder than youu..

Kuru: only 2 minutes..

Yn ignore their fight as it's normal, with that they enter inside the cafe which was filled with hustle and bustle..

However, her eyes were lingering around only in search of the person who caught her attention..

Yn:( where are you my Romeo)..

Then, she saw him sitting with his friends silently drinking a strawberry milkshake..

Yn:( he likes strawberry, I think I have to make little little steps to get him)..

Jun: yn..

Yn: yeah ..

Jun: please stop them..

Yn looked at kuru and Lia who were verbally fighting with each other...

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