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It was that famous bully Mia, waiting for her.

Yn got confused from her presence over there...

Mia: hey yn..

Yn: hmm hi ..

Mia: how are you dear??

Yn: i..I'm fine..

Yn got nervous, because she knew that everyone said Mia is very selfish, she will not behave nicely with you unless she has any type of benefit from you..

Yn glupped..

Mia: why are you here??

Yn: vo-

Mia: oh yeah, I heard taehyung sunbaenim called you here..

Yn nodded slowly..

Mia laughed..

Mia: stupid bitch, how can you even think that he will call you here!!!! He is mine understand, i saw many times staring at him. But, your two idiots friends always came on my way to make you get a proper punishment...

Yn's breaths started to get uneven...

Mia: now let me see , who will come now...

She come close to yn..

Yn quickly moved back to run from the door, but it was locked. Her breaths hitched...

Nervousness started building in her body, then her eyes covered blackness she saw herself being trapped in fire and heat was raising in her body..

Then her mind stopped working and she passed out there only..

Mia: shittt girls take her to medical room and make sure that my name didn't get involved...

Her friends drop yn at medical room and informed her friends ..

Lia, kuru and Jun immediately went to the medical room..

Kuru: what happened to her??

Nurse: she fainted because of panic...

Lia: panic??

Nurse: yes like something remembered her about her dark past incident, which suffocated her...

They become angry..

Kuru: I never knew taehyung sunbaenim will do this to her..

Lia: take care of her, I'll ask him why he did this...

Lia left from there..

Jun: are you sure she will not blast his head??

Kuru: even if she does, i don't care because he hurted my friend..

Jun nodded...


They were playing on the ground , Lia come to them flaming in anger..

Jimin: baby .

Lia: don't stop me chim, ask your friend what he did to yn..


Jimin: who baby??

Lia: taehyung!

Tae: me???

Jk: he is here with us since morning....

Lia: no he called yn on rooftop..

Tae: you are daydreaming, me and yn not even have a normal conversation with each other then why would I call her on rooftop. I'm here since the morning, if you have any doubt then we can check cctv footage..

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