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Inside the ward,

Jk sat near her while thinking about something, then he went to the balcony..

He called someone..

📱 Jk: yes mark i want you to do something..

📱 Mark: yes sir..

📱 Jk: i want you to erase all the evidence of me cheating on her, during the time we were dating...

📱 Mark: ok boss..

📱 Jk: kill all those sugar babies and girls those who are behind me , wants to harm her understand..

📱 Mark: yes boss i understood what you mean...

📱 Jk: hm..

📱 Mark: everything will be under control and I'll send you reports sir..

📱 Jk: ok.

He cut the call..

Jk:( i don't want any type of misunderstanding now, she is pregnant with my baby. We are going to start a family now, I'm happy with her. I don't want my past to effect us)..

He come inside and sat on the chair near her. He slowly started rubbing her hand then noticed her movements..

Jk: princess are you ok..

Kuru: ahm..

She slowly tried to sit but failed to jk put his hand on her shoulder and let her lay straight on the mattress...

Jk: take rest, no need to sit up..

Kuru: Unnie..

Jk: we are finding her, your health is my very first priority now..

Kuru: but-

Jk: you are pregnant now, so think about our baby also...

Kuru: i what..

Jk: yes, now clam down hmm, i promise I'll find your sis..

Kuru: please i want her besides me...

Jk: hmm you don't need to take rest, till tomorrow evening I'll give you her information hm..

She nodded slowly..

Jk slowly rubs her forehead..

Jk: you need rest, sleep..

Kuru was too tired to reply and quickly slept .

Yn saw everything from the window on the door of ward..

Yn smiled and looked at taehyung..

Tae: hm..

Yn: they are getting well together..

Tae: hmm come I'll drop you home..

Yn: no home will feel lonely without them..

Tae: then what you want..

Yn: ummmm..

Tae: hmm..

Yn: can you stay with me tonight please..

Tae: okie..

Yn: thank you..

Yn jumped and hugs him..

Tae hugs her back..

Tae: let's go now, we also have to wake up early..

Yn: yuppppp..

They both left..


Lia come out of the airport..

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