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Iron deficiency man


Answer the phone

Pain in the ass #2


Iron deficiency man

Peter give the phone back to Alex

Pain in the ass #2


How'd you know it whagwghsga

*was me

Slipped a bit

Iron deficiency man

Alex isn't that nice when she answers the phone

Now give Alex the phone

Pain in the ass #2

I think you know why I can't do that

Iron deficiency man

So you two ARE the chuckle fucks Tokyo drifting around Harlem?!

Pain in the ass #2

Technically Alex is drivnbsha


I keep getting jostled around

And there's 3 of us

Iron deficiency man

Who else is with you?

Also no shit your messing up spelling your going like 100 mph

Pain in the ass #2

Actualy it's only 87

Ans were with Deadpool

Iron deficiency man

For fucks sake

Stop driving that eye sore of a hot pink car around and quit shooting at people

Pain in the ass #2

Alex said 'It's magenta you dipshit!'

And Deadpool said 'Not until they stop shooting our asses!'

Iron deficiency man

I can see you guys swerving around

It does not look good

Pain in the ass #2

Alex said 'Kill yourself'

Iron deficiency man

I can't tell if she's a good driver or not

Peter, where are you in the car??

Pain in the ass #2

Passenger seat

Deadpools out the sunroof

Alex is driving

Iron deficiency man

Trust me, I can see

How is Alex driving like that?

Pain in the ass #2

Alex said 'Being on the verge of a panic attack and watching Fast and the Furious to much'

Iron deficiency man

so she IS Tokyo drifting

Pain in the ass #2

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