Chapter 4

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Tywin insists that Jaime and Lyanna consummate their marriage, but neither of them is happy about it and come up with a plan. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Lyanna hated hiding, she was not like Lyarra who did not mind confrontation. While Lyanna did not back away when someone confronted her that did not mean she enjoyed causing problems. Which was the reason she had been hiding for the past three days. She made sure to do the books in her chambers or in Tywin's solar. She would also leave her chambers only to speak to the maids and other servants, making sure they had what they needed. The rest of the time she spent it in her chambers, even Tyrion had come to ask her if she was feeling well. She had not even taken her usual walks on the beach, it was one of the things she enjoyed the most about living in Casterly Rock. Before moving to the Westerlands Lyanna had never seen the ocean before, she enjoyed walking on the beach and getting her feet wet. She enjoyed feeling the sand between her toes.

Now thanks to her husband she spent most of her time locked in her chambers. Tywin had also been acting a bit strange lately, even since Jaime had returned. Her father-by-law was uncomfortable about something, but he would not talk to her. She was sure whatever was bothering him had to do with her since he would not look her in the eye. Whatever it was it was starting to make her uncomfortable. She had to figure out what was happening, she did not like to be taken by surprise. The connecting door between her and Jaime's chambers opened and Lyanna jumped, her eyes widened when she saw it was her husband standing there. Jaime had never come into her chambers, just like she had never stepped in his. Her cheeks flushed when she realized that he was not wearing a tunic, his chest was bared. Even if she and her husband did not have the best relationship she had to admit her husband was a very handsome man.

"My lord." Lyanna gave him a small nod. "Is there something I can assist you with?"

"No," He stepped farther into her chambers, closing the door behind him. "I need to tell you something." Jaime took a few steps closer and she could not help but take a step back. "My father is insisting that we consummate our marriage."

"Oh." One of her hands went to her throat as she swallowed. "Of course my lord."

Lyanna ran her hands over her shoulders, attempting to warm herself up. She was very conscious that she was only in her nightgown and took a step towards the bed, attempting to stop her eyes from filling up with tears. When she had first wed Jaime, during the first three years she had dreamt about this. She had dreamt of the day when she and Jamie would be able to have a regular relationship. When she would be able to wake up in his arms, but then she had gotten a rude awakening. Lyanna did not want to spend the rest of her life fighting for Jaime's attention. She preferred to keep her distance from her husband and his malicious sister, apparently, that would not be an option any longer.

"Lyanna, I..." He did not seem to know what to say and she did not want to make things more difficult.

"How do you want me, my lord?" She moved closer to the bed, her arms wrapped around her waist. "I am not sure what you want me to do."

"I am not going to force myself on you." Lyanna looked up at Jaime, not sure what he meant. He had just told her his father wanted them to consummate their marriage. "We still have time, this does not need to be done tonight. We just need to pretend for my father."

"Oh." Lyanna's heart stopped feeling like it was about to jump out of her chest. "Will he not check for proof?"

"I will take care of that." He gave her a small smile before moving closer once more, this time she did not move away from him. "I will just stay here tonight, and tomorrow we will convince my father that our marriage has been consummated."

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