Chapter 5

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Lyanna is tired of Jaime's quips and sarcasm and lets him in a little secret. He is not happy but Tywin comes to her defense. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Tywin was hiding from her, he was nowhere to be found. Lyanna had been looking for her father-by-law for the past four hours and could not seem to find him. She was sure he did not want to face her after making Jaime go to her chambers the night before. Tywin was not someone to apologize for doing the things he believed to be necessary. But in the past few years, Lyanna had gotten to know the Lord everyone thought of as rustless. Tywin Lannister would always do whatever was needed to protect his family and his legacy, even if he did not enjoy it. Lyanna had come to respect and even love Tywin, he was like a second father to her. The older lord treated her kindly and enjoyed teaching her. He would always tell her how she was the lady of the Rock and that one day her children would be the ones to rule the Westerlands.
She was also aware that Tywin would evade her when he believed he had wronged her somehow. Lyanna would not lie and say she was thankful Tywin had attempted to force her husband to bed her. But she understood why he did it, his first job was to protect his legacy. Tywin would never ask her about it, but she knew he would ask his son. She was also aware he had the maids and Corlos check the bed sheets.
Lyanna was walking past the training grounds when she heard her name being called. She could not help the smile that appeared on her face when Ser Addam Marbrand approached her. She had gotten to know the knight in the years she had been living at the Rock and found him rather pleasant.
Addam had shoulder-length dark copper hair, which often reminded her of her brother Robb. The knight was an excellent horseman and swordfighter, he was also charming and gallant. Lyanna knew him to be a daring commander whom anyone in the Westerlands would follow into battle. Addam was good friends with Jaime, the knight had been a page at the Rock during his youth. Tywin trusted the man, as much as he trusted anyone who was not family.
Addam moved towards her, Jaime trailing behind quietly.
"My lady." The knight bowed, giving her a charming smile. "I am so glad to see you."
"I am happy to see you also, Ser." Lyanna's smile was genuine as she looked at the older knight. "How is your father?"
"He is doing much better. That is why I wanted to see you." Lyanna could see Jaime frowning at both of them but did not pay him any mind. "I wanted to thank you for the maester you sent to treat my father. Thanks to you he is feeling much better and the maester said he will be back on his feet in no time."
"I am so glad to hear it." Tywin had taken her with him on some of his trips to visit the different houses in the Westerlands. He always introduced her as the Lady of the Rock and made sure they all knew she was a Lannister. Lyanna had always found Damon Marbrand to be a very charming man, just like his son. "I sent him a letter a few days ago wishing him well and asking if he needed anything."
"I thank you, I am sure he will be happy to read your letter." Addam seemed to realize Jaime did not look happy and frowned at his friend. A few seconds of Jaime not saying anything Addam turned back to her, giving her another bow and a small smile. "I will take my leave, it seems that my friend wants some alone time with his beautiful wife."
Lyanna gave Addam a small nod of acknowledgment and watched as he walked away. She could have told him that Jaime had no interest in spending time with her, alone or otherwise.
"I did not know you were such good friends with Addam Marbrand." Lyanna turned to her husband, giving him a questioning look. Jaime's smile was not pleasant. "You seem very friendly with everyone, most people in the Westerlands seem to have forgotten that you are not a Lannister."
"That is because I am a Lannister. Maybe by marriage, but a Lannister all the same." Lyanna's smile was mocking as she looked at her husband. "Most people respond to a kind word and someone who cares about them. From what I heard the last lady Lannister after your mother passed was not the best example of what a lady should be."
"And what exactly do you mean by that?" Jaime's eyes narrowed. "I would prefer if you spoke clearly."
"I thought I was more than clear." Lyanna was thankful that Jaime had not forced himself on her the night before, but that did not mean she would just roll over and allow him to walk all over her.
Lyanna had lived for years with the knowledge that her husband was fucking his sister and most people in Westeros were aware of it. Half of them looked at her with pity, while the other half laughed behind her back thinking her naive. Lyanna was not stupid, she was perfectly aware of her husband's activities, but there was not much she could do about it. Jaime was her husband and Lord, the only reason she was safe now was because Tywin was still the one in charge. As long as she had Tywin's protection and was away from the capital there was nothing Jaime or Cersei could do to her. And she would not spend the rest of her life pretending to be a meek mouse, she was a wolf and it was time her husband understood this.
"What would my father say if he heard you speaking about his only daughter this way?" It was amusing that Jaime believed Tywin would come to Cersei's defense. "I do not believe he will be pleased that you are slandering his only daughter."
"It is not slander if it is the truth." Lyanna shook her head. "Your father might refuse to believe some of the rumors about the both of you, not wanting to think his children are capable of such depravities. But he is very aware of Cersei's character."
"What rumors do you speak of?" Jaime took a step closer, his glare harsher than she had ever seen it.
"That you bed your sister, of course." Jaime stopped, not moving a muscle as he looked at her in shock. Lyanna raised an eyebrow. "The fact that you and your sister had been fucking each other for years is the worst kept secret in Westeros. I am still not sure how King Robert has not heard about it."
"That is a disgusting lie." Lyanna chuckled making Jaime even more upset. "Lies spread by malicious people who just want to discredit my sister and myself."
"Are you aware that the hallway leading to the caves that you and your sister like to fuck in is not as abandoned as you might believe?" Lyanna would not lie and say she did not enjoy the look of fear on Jaime's face. "Also, your chambers are right next to mine, since a door connects them I can hear very clearly what happens."
"You saw us?" He was looking at her like what she was saying was not possible.
"Yes, I did." Lyanna tapped her chin with a finger. "But is not just about seeing, is about numbers."
"Numbers?" Jaime's face was a mask of confusion.
"Yes. You see, Joffrey was born only a few moons after your sister wedded King Robert, but as far as everyone knows he was not born before his time. He was a healthy babe. Then there is the fact that the queen did not get with child again for a bit over a year. Then you visited Kings Landing and a few moons later your sister is with child. You left and come back a few moons after Myrcella's birth and then the queen gets with child once more. Is it not strange that for all the children to be conceived you had to be present in Kings Landing?"
"That is just a coincidence." Lyanna could tell he was sweating, he looked terrified.
"Are you sure? Is it also a coincidence that none of your sister's children look like their supposed father?" Lyanna tilted her head. "Even my siblings and I look like our parents. I look just like my paternal aunt, my twin sister has the Northern face with the Tully's hair. My brother Robb is the perfect mix of the North and the Riverlands. We all have features from our mother and our father, but Cersei's children do not. All three look like a perfect replica of Cersei and yourself."
Jaime moved before she could even realize what was taking place. His hands wrapped around her upper arms as he brought her closer to him. His eyes were as icy as the wall and he looked like he wanted to hurt her. Lyanna did not react, she stood calmly as her husband attempted to intimidate her.
"Do not ever say that again." Jaime shook her, his face a mask of rage. "You do not know what you speak of."
"If that were true you would not be so upset." Lyanna glared at him. "Let go of me."
"And what will you do if I do not?"
"I do not have to do anything. You will release me."
"What is happening here?" Jaime let go as if she had burned her and turned to look at Tywin who was walking towards them. The older man did not look happy as he glared at his son. "What do you think you are doing?"
"I was just having a discussion with my wife." Jaime gave his father an amused smile, but Lyanna could see the fear underneath. "I thought you wanted me to speak more to her."
"Do not attempt to be amusing." Tywin stood between Jaime and her. "If you ever touch her like that again you will not enjoy the consequences."
"I was under the impression she was my wife." Lyanna wanted to roll her eyes at the tone in her husband's voice. "Does that not mean that she belongs to me?"
"We do not hurt noble ladies, especially those that are under our care." Tywin glared at his son. "Leave."
Jaime stared at her and Lyanna just raised an eyebrow, an amused smile on her face. She had no intention of telling Tywin about Jaime and Cersei, she knew it would break his heart. She knew that Tywin had heard the rumors, just like most everyone else in the seven kingdoms. But Tywin refused to listen or to believe them, he did not want to believe his son was capable of what he was being accused of. Lyanna had seen the love Tywin had for his eldest son, Jaime was Tywin's favorite. Lyanna would not be the one to break Tywin's heart if she could help it.
She would have to be careful, now that Jaime was aware Lyanna knew his secret she did not know what he would do. While Jaime was noble and wanted to protect the innocent, Lyanna knew he would do anything to protect his sister and their children. Even if that meant killing an innocent person. 

                                                 Lyanna Stark (17 years old

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                                                 Lyanna Stark (17 years old.)

                                                               Jaime Lannister (33 years old

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                                                               Jaime Lannister (33 years old.)

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