Chapter 8

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Lyarra is back, she and Lyanna talk. Jaime discovers what his sister and the king are planning. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"You look happy." Lyanna could not help but smile at her sister. Lyarra looked happier every time she saw her. "Dorne has been good for you."
"Yes, I enjoy it there." Lyarra's smile was bright. "I am allowed to be myself, they do not mind that I like training with a sword. My husband does not care that I enjoy unlady-like pursuits, he actually encourages it."
"I am happy for you." Lyanna entwined her arm with her sister's. "I did not like the idea of you being so far from home and being unhappy."
"What about you?" Lyanna gave her sister a questioning look. "I know things are not as easy for you. I have heard the talk about your husband, and I know you have too."
"Yes I have, but I cannot say anything." Lyanna could tell Lyarra did not like the idea of her being quiet. "We do not have any proof and I do not want to be the cause of Robert Baratheon killing those children, which he would. Joffrey might be evil, but his younger siblings are very sweet."
"He would also kill your husband." Lyanna stared at her sister, who just shrugged. "You know it is true."
"Yes, and then I would be free to be wedded once more." Lyarra's look was questioning. "I am not keeping silent just for the sake of the children, but also for myself."
"What do you mean?"
"I do not like the way Robert Baratheon stares at me. If he discovers the truth then he will kill his wife and my husband." Lyarra seemed to understand what she was trying to say, but Lyanna wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings. "That would mean he would be free to wed once more and so would I. You know why father made us wed so young, it was to save us from the king. I might not love my husband, or even like him most of the time, but I do not want to wed the king. Jaime ignores me most of the time, which I am actually thankful for. I do not think the king will give me the same courtesy."
"Yes, I do not think he will either." Lyarra looked around them before looking back at her. "Does Jaime treat you well?"
"What?" Lyanna could not help but frown at her sister. "Why are you asking me that?"
"I have seen the way he evades you and the way you evade him." Lyarra stopped walking, turning to face her. "I just want to make sure he is not hurting you. I do not care what people or the law says, I will kill him if he hurts you."
"He is not hurting me." Lyanna squeezed her sister's hand, thankful that Lyarra was still attempting to protect her. Even after all the years they had lived apart, her sister was still attempting to be her protector. "But I thank you for worrying about me. Now, can you tell me why all the court ladies, including our future queen, run every time you walk by?"
"I just told them some trues." Lyanna raised an eyebrow, and Lyarra shook her head. "I did not like the way they were speaking about you."
"You do not have to come to my defense." Lyanna's smile was amused as Lyarra rolled her eyes. "I do not care what some insipid women think of me or what they say."
"Well, I do." She knew her sister and knew that Lyarra would not stay quiet if she believed someone was being treated unfairly. "I do not like it when people who do not know you speak badly about you."
Lyarra was different now, she looked happier than she had the last time Lyanna had seen her. Her sister had a light in her eyes that had not been there before. Not even their mother had been able to wipe her sister's smile. Lyanna knew it had something to do with Oberyn, but her sister had not said anything and Lyanna did not want to intrude. She already had enough attempting to avoid her mother's questions and well-meaning comments. She did not want to make her sister feel badly, or take her smile away. Lyanna already had enough problems without making her sister miserable.  


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