Chapter 9

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Jaime doesn't have much time to explain things to Lyanna and come up with a plan, good thing he is such a good commander and strategist. He finds a way to help Lyanna, but things get a bit out of his and Lyanna's control. 2nd part is from Tywin's point of view and he is not happy. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"My lady." Laynna smiled as her maid finished drying her hair. The woman gave her an inquisitive look. "Do you know which gown you would like to wear this day?"
Lyanna opened her mouth, but before she could get a word out the doors to the bathing chamber slammed open and Jaime ran in. His eyes were wild as he looked between her and the maid.
"Get out and do not return until we call for you." The poor maid left in a hurry, not even looking at Lyanna. Jaime moved closer to her looking down at her nightgown before looking at her face once more. "Come with me."
He did not really give her a choice, he grabbed one of her arms and led her out of the bathing chambers and towards their chamber. He let go of her arm once they reached the bed and Lyanna's eyes widened when Jaime took off his tunic.
"Take off your nightgown." Lyanna's eyes became even larger on her face, if that was possible as she took a step back. Jaime frowned. "Do it quickly."
"No." Jaime stopped unlacing his trousers to look at her and Lyanna swallowed. "What is happening? I was under the impression you wanted nothing to do with me."
"This is not about that." Laynna raised an eyebrow and her husband ran his fingers through his hair. "King Robert is sending Pycelle to examine you and see if you are still a maiden."
"If he discovers that you are still a maiden he will dissolve our marriage and you will have to stay here are my sister's lady-in-waiting." Lyanna felt her heart twist inside her chest. She was perfectly aware of what Jaime was saying. "He will take you as his mistress. So the only way to save you is to make Pycelle and the king believe that we have consummated our marriage."
"Could you please turn around?" Lyanna was not sure she would be able to disrobe while her husband stared at her. Jaime did as she asked and Lyanna removed her nightgown quickly and wrapped herself in the bedsheet. "You can turn around now."
Jaime turned but did not look directly at her.
"Lay on the bed." Lyanna did as he asked, making sure the sheet covered the front of her body. She turned her face away, her cheeks heating when Jaime removed his trousers. Her eyes opened once more when he climbed on top of her and attempted to take the bedsheet away. "I will need this, people cannot fuck with a bedsheet between their bodies."
"Oh." Lyanna let go of the sheet, allowing Jaime to remove it and settle between her legs.
She had to stop the urge to cover her breasts as Jaime made himself comfortable and placed the sheet to cover their lower bodies. Jaime did not press their bodies together, holding himself up on a strong forearm and his knees. He used his free hand to caress her face, his fingers were gentle as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip.
"Have you ever been kissed Lyanna?" She shook her head, swallowing when his face lowered until their lips were almost touching. "I do not think I will be able to convince anyone that I have bedded you if I do not kiss you."
Lyanna nodded her head, her breath catching when Jaime pressed his lips to hers. His lips were soft and his mouth was gentle, then he traced her lips with his tongue making her gasp. That was all the invitation Jaime needed to thrust his tongue past her lips, his mouth explored hers, his tongue giving gentle licks until she let out a tiny moan. Lyanna had seen people kiss before, mostly servants and she knew the woman was not supposed to be a statue. She started mimicking Jaime's movements, allowing their tongues to tangle together and their mouths to explore each other. Jaime's lips moved tenderly downward towards her ear, nipping at it.
"For people to believe that this is real we will have to be very convincing." His mouth moved down her throat, his tongue finding a sensitive spot in the crevice of her neck. She could feel heat spreading over her body"If I were making love to you I would kiss your entire body, starting with your pretty breasts."
Lyanna could not help but notice Jaime's voice sounded deeper and raspier, she had never heard him speak that way before. His mouth moved lower, his tongue tracing her collarbone. He pressed their lower bodies together, making her gasp and her hands went to his shoulders. She could feel his hardness pressing between her legs, his hands moved to her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples until they were tight points. A shudder ran through her body when Jaime's mouth descended on one of her breasts, taking the nipple into his mouth and sucking softly. Lyanna could not stop the moan that came out of her mouth, one of her hands digging into Jaime's golden locks.
She felt a bit confused, her brain inquiring how she could be enjoying this when she did not love her husband. Lyanna had always believed that she would have to love someone to enjoy bedding them. Apparently, her body did not care that she did not like her husband, it was enjoying the way he made her feel. Jaime's hand moved over one of her legs, his fingertips drifting upward tracing her core. One of his fingers slipped between her folds making her moan louder. She could feel the wetness between her legs but did not have the chance to be embarrassed as the pleasure grew.
After a few minutes of playing with her, he removed his fingers and pressed his cock against her saturated folds parting them as he slid through her wetness. Lyanna could not help but tense.
"Shh." His voice was lower, as he whispered against her ear. "I will not fuck you, we just need to pretend like I am."
Jaime kissed her again, his mouth devouring hers as his cock settled between the lips of her pussy, sliding over the wetness as he rocked his hips. Jaime's fingers traced a path to one hard nipple, his thumb and forefinger gripping it and tugging at it. Lyanna's body bucked, flames licking all over her skin until it felt like her skin was too tight. Jaime moaned into her mouth as he rocked faster against her. Lyanna wrapped her legs around his waist her hips rocking against his.
If it had been another time when her mind was not being clouded by pleasure she would have been embarrassed by her desperate moans. His cock moved between her legs, causing her belly to spasm as arousal consumed her. Jaime's mouth moved down her neck as Lyanna panted, her fingers tightened, gripping his shoulders until she was sure she would leave bruises. Their hips rocked against each other almost violently as she sobbed and pleaded with him. She was not completely sure what she was pleading for, but something had to be done. Her body could not stay in this state, like a bowstring that had been pulled too tight and was close to snapping. Jaime raised his head, looking to the side for a moment before looking back at her.
"They are gone. We could stop now." Lyanna did not know what he was referring to and at that moment she did not care. All she knew was that she needed something. Jaime did not seem eager to stop either, his hips had not stopped moving and one of his hands had gripped the back of her head, holding her to him. "Do you want to stop?"
Lyanna shook her violently, her hands clawing at her husband's shoulders, begging him to continue. They could go back to disliking each other after this, but for now, she needed him. His mouth covered hers once more, his tongue forging into her mouth. Lyanna's tongue twined with his, her lips wrapping around it as she sucked it into her mouth. She would never tell anyone, but she liked the way her husband tasted, like honey and spice.
Jaime's hips moved faster, his cock rubbing against the small button that was making stars explode behind her eyelids. Jaime's hands moved to her hips, holding them tightly as their movements sped up. Reality became a thing of the past and Lyanna no longer cared that she did not like her husband or even knew him very well. All she cared about was the blistering needs flowing through her body and the way he was making her feel.
Jaime's hips moved harder and faster against her body until pleasure exploded through her with such force that nothing existed outside of this moment. She did not know what happened, it felt as if her mind and body were floating. She could hear Jaime, moaning and groaning above her, his hips moving almost frantically now. Lyanna whimpered as his cock rubbed against her oversensitive flesh. A few seconds later her husband moaned against her mouth and she felt hot liquid on her lower belly.
Jaime pressed his forehead against hers, their breathing fast as they attempted to calm themselves. Lyanna was not sure what would happen after this.

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