Chapter 36

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This is just a short chapter, seeing how things are after what happened last chapter.

We see how Winterfell is doing after the battle. Lyanna receives some news. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Jaime looked at all the bodies that had been placed on the pyres, his eyes filling up with tears. His uncle Kevan was dead, his body had been sent ahead to Casterly Rock. Jaime knew his father would want his brother to be home. The living had won, but they had lost so many people it almost did not feel like a victory. Everyone from house Bolton had passed, including Bolton's bastard, which meant that the Dreadfort would be empty in the near future. Daenerys had also died and Jaime could not say he was sorry for it. Had Daenerys lived there would have been another war and most of his family, if not all of them would be killed. Now there was no danger of that, Jon had made it very clear that he did not want the throne, and he had no interest in becoming king. But Jaime knew they would have to do something, it was not fair for Jon to continue being a bastard and to keep being a part of the Night's Watch.
Rickon Stark had also died, the Starks were heartbroken and Jaime knew Lyarra and Myrcella would be heartbroken also. Jaime had already sent a raven to Lyanna and his father, letting them know they had won. He had let his father know about Kevan's death and that his body was on the way to Casterly Rock. Jaime also wanted Lyanna to know about Oberyn being injured, it would be best if his wife gave Lyarra the news.
After Arya had stabbed the night king with the Valyrian steel dagger she had screamed for help. Jaime and Ned had run to her, finding the girl kneeling next to Oberyn's bloody form, a spear sticking out of his side. Jaime had immediately feared the worst, but had been happy to find out he was still alive. They have taken Oberyn back to his chambers and called the maester to tend to him. It had taken a few hours before the man had finished stitching the Dornish prince. The maester had told him they did not know how Oberyn was still alive, that it was a miracle the man had survived. Jaime was thankful he had, he knew how devastated Lyarra and his children would have been if the man had died.
"We are ready." Jaime looked at Robb Stark. "It is time, once this is done you can return home."
"I am sure you cannot wait to have your home all to yourself." Not that he could blame the man.
"I am mostly looking forward to having my wife and children back." Robb gave him an amused smile. "I am sure you know the feeling, I cannot imagine you are too happy to be away from Lyanna and your children."
"Yes, I cannot wait to see her and the children." Jaime looked at all the bodies once more, letting out a sigh. "Let us finish this."
Jaime and Robb headed towards the other lords, once everyone was in place Jon looked at his dragon. Everyone held their breaths as Jon gave the command, the dragon lit up the pyres. 

                                                            Jaime Lannister (40 years old

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                                                            Jaime Lannister (40 years old.)

Lyanna hated seeing her sister so sad, Lyarra looked almost broken, even their mother had not said anything bad since the miscarriage. Lyarra barely spoke any longer, she spent most of her time in her chambers or wandering around the gardens. Lyanna did not know what to do, her nieces and nephews were worried. Coren spent a lot of time sitting outside his mother's chambers waiting in case she needed something. She hated that her sister was going through something so painful, especially when her husband was not here to help her through it.
"Your grace." Lyanna jumped, looking at the steward who gave her an apologetic smile. "I apologize, your grace. I thought you heard me."
"No, it is not your doing, I was lost in my thoughts." Lyanna let out a sigh. "Did you need me for something?"
"A raven has arrived for you." The man handed her a sealed letter. "It is from Prince Jaime."
Lyanna gave the man a bright smile, waiting until he had left to open the letter. She was overjoyed when she read that they had won. Jaime and Tommen were alive, they would be returning home soon. Oberyn had been injured, but he was on his way to recovery, Lyarra would be happy when she found out her husband was alive and returning. Then she felt sadness when she read that Kevan had died. Jaime had sent his body to Casterly Rock, where he would be buried with the rest of their family.
The letter fell out of Lyanna's hands when she read about Rickon's death. Tears filled her eyes, her little brother was dead, and she would never see him again. She could not imagine the pain her father and brothers were feeling right now. How was she supposed to tell her mother? How could she tell a mother that her youngest son had been killed?
Lyanna pressed a hand against her mouth, sobbing as tears ran down her face.
"Lyanna." She attempted to dry her tears as she looked at Tywin. "I am sorry about your brother."
"How did you know?"
"Jaime sent me a raven also." Tywin sat beside her and Lyanna could see the sadness in his eyes. She placed her hand on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I am sorry about Kevan, I know how much he meant to you."
"Thank you." Tywin's smile was sad. "Once Jaime returns I will travel to Casterly Rock, I will need to spend some time with my good sister and nieces and nephews. I know this is a difficult time, but there are things I need to do."
"I understand." And she did, Tywin had worked hard to make Westeros better, he deserved some time for himself after such a loss. "Do not worry I take care of things here."
Now Lyanna had to figure out a way to talk to her mother and let her know about Rickon. She would also have to tell Lyarra about Rickon, she did not know how her sister would take it. With how sad Lyarra was Lyanna could not imagine how she would take Rickon's death. She could not tell her mother and sister together, the gods know what her mother would say and how Lyarra would take it. The last thing Lyanna needed was the two women fighting. 

                                                             Lyanna Stark (25 years old

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                                                             Lyanna Stark (25 years old.)

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