Burke - Chapter 6

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Burke followed Vivian out of the house, trying not to stare at her ass in those leggings.  She was dressed for comfort in black yoga pants and a dark purple tunic, her hair piled up in a messy bun, which he appreciated.  No pretenses with this one.  She was real and didn't seem to care too much about her appearance in the day to day.  She looked a bit different than she had at the store those few months ago.  She looked more relaxed, less tired.  The stress lines on her face had smoothed out, and if he wasn't mistaken, she had toned up a bit as well.  Not that he minded one way or another.  He thought she was the hottest thing he had seen in a long while and he had always appreciated a bit of soft cushion on a woman.

Reaching her truck, he helped her unpack the dog crate and other supplies that she had picked up in preparation for their newest family member.  He nodded his approval at the brand of dry food, noting the high quality of it, and he had to fight a smile when he saw her light up at his good opinion.  The whole load wasn't anything that she couldn't have gotten herself, but it would have taken more than one trip to get it all in the house.  It was a good distraction from the intense desire to push her against the side of her truck and ravage her mouth.  She wouldn't want you, he reminded himself.  You're broken.  You don't deserve someone like her.  Not after what happened.  Closing his eyes briefly against the dark thoughts in his head, he turned to carry the crate into the house.

He liked that Vivian didn't seem to have the need to fill in the silence with idle chatter.  They moved around each other as Vivian put things away and he unpacked the crate almost like old friends did after years of knowing each other.  There was no awkward bumping into each other or frustration at being in each others space.  It was almost...nice.  Something that he could get used to, given enough time.

"Where do you want the crate?" He asked, willing to carry it where ever she needed.

"Oh, I guess my room for now, until he is house trained.  I might have to look into getting a doggy door installed somewhere.  But that might be problematic in the winter..."  She frowned as she mulled over the problem, leading Burke up the main staircase.  He refused to think too closely about seeing her room, but there was a part of him he couldn't squash down that was hugely excited to see her inner sanctuary.

Trying for indifference, he scanned around the room once she turned the overhead light on.  The bed was a queen, situated in the middle of the far wall.  It wasn't exactly made, but the blankets were pulled up.  On one side of it was an antique looking cabinet with a scene from either Japan or China painted on tile that had been inset into the wood.  On the other was a small set of drawers with a table lamp, a book, and a water bottle sitting on top.  The far wall was a trio of windows that had full length gauzy curtains covering them.  There was also a set of heavier curtains that had been pulled back which he assumed she used in the colder months.  A small antique fainting couch was a the foot of the bed and an antique dresser sat across from her bed.  Next to the dresser sat a short bookcase that looked like it held some spicy books, and next to that was a plush oversized wingchair with a matching stool.  Burke was deeply intrigued, but didn't want to pry too much in this first visit.  It was a small room, but cozy.  The walls had been painted a sage green and there were a few plants on some of the surfaces.  It was only slightly messy, which he liked.

"I remodeled a little bit when we first moved in.  This used to be a small office, but I wanted a walk in closet off the bathroom, so I moved this door to here," She pointed at the door next to the small set of drawers she used as a bedside table.  "This leads directly through the closet into my bathroom.  Really, it was the tub that made me fall in love with this place." Her eyes (they were grey!) twinkled with excitement as he set the crate down and followed her through the closet into the bathroom.

"Owning a giant clawfoot tub like this has been a dream of mine since I reached my full height.  You have no idea how difficult it is to find a bathtub that I can actually fit comfortably inside."  She scanned him again from head to toe, "Or maybe you do.  But either way, this is my favorite spot in the entire house."  And now Burke had to subtly adjust himself because the image of her naked and wet flashed through his brain, down his spine, and directly to his groin.

He had to admit that the bathroom really was lovely.  The bathtub was set beneath a gable with a glorious view outside.  She had surrounded the window with light and moisture loving plants, which gave the room a comfortable cottage feel.  The white quartz counter had ample space, even with the twin sinks.  The walls were a very light shade of blue and the white wainscoting helped to visually break up the room and give the impression of a high ceiling.

Burke knew for a fact that this house had been in serious need of repair when she bought it.  He was impressed with the speed at which she had gotten it fixed up.

"Mom, can we have cookies now!  I'm starving!"  Elenore's voice echoed through the upstairs making them both jump.

"How can you be starving, you just had dinner." Vivian called in response.

"That was my dinner stomach.  My dessert stomach is empty!  Can we have cookies, please?"

Vivan turned to Burke with a smile.  "I guess that is our cue to head back downstairs.  I have some ice cream if you would like some with your cookies."

Returning the smile, Burke nodded.  "Yes, I would like that very much.  Thank you for showing me your bedroom."  Winking at her, he turned and passed back through the closet, grinning at her soft gasp.

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