Burke - Chapter 18

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Grunting as he drove down the fence post driver harder than he really needed to, Burke channeled all his frustration at himself and his past into driving the metal t-post deeper into the ground.  He was frustrated that Vivian hadn't reached out.  Frustrated that he was frustrated about that.  Frustrated at the demons who wouldn't leave him alone. Frustrated that he knew he needed to leave her alone. And frustrated that he wanted her despite everything in his past.

His muscles ached, he was hot and sweaty, and Burke was not looking forward to another night with his demons whispering in his ear.  But he had to admit that he was done for the day.  He had fixed the fence line, chopped and stacked more wood, cleaned tack, and rotated his cattle from one field to another.  He was hungry and tired, but even with the prospect of enjoying some of the leftovers Vivian had sent with him the previous night, he knew that his dinner was going to heavily consist of the whisky he kept stashed in his bookshelf.

His phone chimed as he headed into the house, but he was too angry with the world to deal with it.  Tossing it on the bed, he shucked off his dirty clothes and tossed them in the hamper.


Showered, and slightly less tense after making himself cum twice to thoughts of Vivian riding his cock or taking him between her lips, Burke stepped out of the shower.  He was still sore, but his mood had quieted down just a bit. Now he was just tired, drained.  The only bright light in his life was Vivian and her kids, and she hadn't reached out to him today.

Throwing on a worn pair of gray sweatpants, he picked up his phone and idly turned it on, only to see the text from Vivian.

Vivian: Pizza night in town with the kids.  Would you like to join us?

Cursing under his breath, he checked the time stamp as elation began to fizz through his blood.  He had to remind himself that there wasn't anything between them yet, she didn't owe him anything, despite what he wanted.  Sharing a couple hot kisses did not mean they were in a relationship.

Me: Sure.  What time?

Sending the text off, Burke turned back into the bathroom to shave, brush his teeth, and comb his hair. Minutes later he was dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a cobalt blue pearl button shirt.  Slipping on his nice boots after making sure they shined, he headed out the door.


Burke was early as he parked his truck and strode into The Crusty Oven, wincing as nostalgia assaulted him.  The place looked and smelled exactly the same as when he was younger.  Pizza grease, dough, and that undefinable scent that all pizzerias have but can hardly ever be replicated.  The place looked like an old-time saloon with polished woods and brass fittings.

"Well, if it isn't Burke McKay!" Irma greeted him just like she greeted every other guest in her establishment, with warmth and acceptance. "What can I do you for, my dear?"  Irma had greyed a bit more since the last time Burke had seen her, developed more laugh lines around her eyes and mouth, but the sparkle in her eyes was just as vibrant as he remembered.  She could have chosen to sit in the back office and oversee everything from there, but she had always been a hands-on owner, preferring to take the hostess duties for herself.

"Need a table, for four, two kids." He said gruffly, reverting back to the habit of speaking in short sentences.

Completely unphased by his mannerisms, Irma gave him a blinding smile even as curiosity swirled through her eyes. "Of course, hun, right this way."  He was grateful that she led him to a table in the back where he could observe the rest of the room while keeping his back to a wall.  Setting the table with two kids menus, along with crayons and activity sheets, she handed him a copy of the regular menu.

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