Vivian - Chapter 9

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Vivian smiled as she luxuriated in the hot water of the bath.  The skin of her wrist still tingled, even after rushing through making lunches for the kids, getting them to bed, and settling Pax in his crate.  Hearing his voice as he had said good night just did something to her, and the heat in his eyes had just about caused her to combust right there on the spot.

The whole evening had been a surprise.  She had expected him to drop off the dog, engage in some small talk, and then leave.  But then after the way he had first looked at her, her expectations had gone straight out the window.  There was something about him that called to her, which was downright frightening, if she was going to be honest.  Which had led to the invitation to stay for dinner, and then asking for his help with the supplies for Pax.  One moment had flowed through to the next and she marveled at the lack of awkwardness.  Not once had her anxiety spiked.  Not once did she feel the need to flee, to find solitude before having to put on her people face again.  And that right there scared her as well.

She had rushed into things with Andrew.  Lied to herself and convinced herself that she was feeling the same intensity that he had been feeling for her.  It had been easy to get caught up in his attention.  Easy to ignore the warning signs that he hadn't been the one for her.  Easy to convince herself to stay, that things would get better.  And now Vivian feared that it would be easy to fall into the same habits.

But that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the memory of how Burke made her feel.  Despite the heat of the water, she shivered as her fingertips trailed over her stomach and hips.  Her nipples tightened and her pussy clenched as she imagined his breath on her skin, the feel of his day-old scruff brushing against the most sensitive parts of her.  Closing her eyes, she imagined he was there with her, his copper eyes swirling with desire and want, darkening with lust for her.

Vivian's fingers moved between her legs and found her sensitive bud.  Her other hand pinched and twisted her nipples until she was holding back cries, her back bowing under the force of her pleasure.  Moving that hand down lower between her legs, she thrust two fingers inside of her, moaning at how slick she was.  She could almost feel his lips on her, his tongue, his teeth.  His huge body dwarfing her, even though she was not a small woman.

She imagined his thick cock slowly penetrating her, splitting her pussy open as she clenched around him.  She imagined him thrusting into her, over and over and over while her cries rang out and she writhed, feeling too much but not enough.  Her orgasm caught her by surprise, her shout echoing in the small bathroom.  Fortunately, the kids' rooms were downstairs, and they could sleep through just about anything, but she still blushed as she came down from the high, her body deliciously relaxed as drowsiness made her eyelids heavy.

Drying off and throwing on just a pair of dark blue underwear and a tank top, Vivian collapsed into bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.


Insistent yips broke through the delicious dream she had been having causing it to dissipate into fog.  Vivian had the impression of copper eyes and warm muscles, but the harder she tried to remember what the dream was about, the faster it was gone.

"Alright, alright.  Let's get you outside, Pax." Pax yipped again and circled around in his crate as she threw her robe on and let him out.  He rushed through the door, and she could hear his claws skittering on the stairs as she followed a bit more slowly, yawning and stretching her arms above her head.

Letting the puppy out through the back door, she leaned against the frame to watch him.  Satisfied that he was not using the garden as his bathroom, but instead had wandered towards a grassy area on the other side of the driveway, she left the door open to start some coffee.

Watching the pup through the window as the water began to boil in the electric kettle, Vivian was pleased to see that he already had decent manners around chickens.  The girls were out of their coop, wandering around their enclosed yard, and while Pax seemed inclined to watch them, he didn't seem to want to chase them.  Which was good, because inevitably chasing led to catching, which sometimes led to killing.  Vivian remembered back to when a dog her mother had once owned had caught and killed a chicken.  The poor dog had been forced to wander around the rest of the day with the dead chicken tied around his neck.  Not exactly the most conventional way to discourage chicken hunting, but it had worked.  Vivian shook her head at the memory. Country folk certainly did things differently, and while her mother had not started out country, she had embraced that lifestyle.  Which, fortunately for Vivian, her mother had passed on to her.  Vivian couldn't imagine trying to figure out country life without any prior experience or anyone to help with learning the ropes.  Sure, there was still a lot for her to learn, but she had a good foundation.

Vivian let Pax wander and explore while the coffee finished brewing in the French press.  Seeing him sniff around in the direction of the front porch, she fixed her coffee the way she liked it and then headed out to the front door and to the porch swing.  Whistling softly to let Pax know where she was, he glanced over at her, but when he realized that she wasn't calling for him, he continued to look around as the sun began its climb over the mountain.

Life was good.  She was safe.  She was relearning what it looked like to be happy.  And the kids were going to grow up in a little community that looked out for them.  There wasn't much else that she could think of that would make things better.  Images of Burke flashed through her mind, but she pushed those away.  Never again would Vivian get so lost in a man that she lost who she was in the process.  She couldn't do that to herself, and she certainly wasn't going to do that to the kids.

Whistling for Pax, Vivian made her way inside to get a start on the day.

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