Burke - Chapter 14

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Dinner was amazing and Burke had eaten until he was stuffed. The only thing that could have made it better would have been a cold beer instead of the hard cider to go with it. But since Vivian didn't have beer, Burke wasn't about to complain. It had made him extremely happy when she casually asked him what his favorite beer was. He had no doubt that the next time he visited, there would be a 6-pack in the fridge waiting for him.

Dessert was a Dutch apple pie that had baked while they ate dinner. Burke was grateful when Vivian said that it needed some time to rest before being served. The adults sat around the table while the kids started on homework.

In truth, they had all enjoyed themselves. Matt had even offered a thought or two as he continued his examination of Burke. But this time, Hunter shared Matt's scrutiny.

As the evening wound down, Hunter was the first to leave. Vivian sent him home with leftovers as a gesture of appreciation for his help. Tipping his Stetson down, he winked at Burke. "You two kids have fun now, you hear?"

Not long after, the kids were sent to bed. Vivian gave him a long look, then smiled ruefully. "I didn't get my chores done today, and I would like to check on the horses one more time. Would you like to join me?" She seemed almost shy after the events of the day and Burke was painfully aware they were now alone.

"Anything you need, just let me know." He said, his voice husky from a mix of overuse and desire. He chuckled a she blushed, then followed her outside, their hands entwined.

"Would you collect the eggs while I check on the chicken feed and water?" Vivian asked, her eyes dancing in mirth.

"Of course, darlin." After showing him where the egg basket was and how to access the nests, Vivian moved off to do her part of the chores.

There was something calming about reaching under sleepy hens to find eggs. They only protested a little as he searched in each of the nests, all the while keeping an eye out for a wayward beak. Chickens were small, but could pack a painful peck of they got their minds up to it.  Thankfully, this time, Burke came away unscathed.

A few minutes later, after depositing the basket on the steps to the house, Burke and Vivian were both leaning against the turnout fence, watching the horses. The dun approached first, looking for a treat. Vivian obliged by giving the mares a carrot from her pocket. As she munched, the other two edged closer in curiosity. The palomino got a carrot next, and then finally the bay decided it was safe enough to join the other two at the fence.

They stayed that way for a while, Enjoying the fresh air in the company. Vivian was the first to break the silence. Turning to look up at Burke, she put her hand on his arm, the heat of it sending sparks through his body. She licked her lips, nervous excitement glittering in her eyes. "Burke," she said breathlessly, "you wouldn't be taking advantage of me right now."

That was all it took for his resolve to snap. His hands were suddenly in her hair as his lips crashed down on hers, devouring her. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his waist. Taking the opportunity, he invaded her mouth, twining his tongue with hers as she moaned and slumped against him.

The kiss lasted forever, and yet not long enough. Desire, lust, want, and need thrummed through his blood. He felt dizzy with it, surrounded by her scent, the taste of her. Her little gasps and moans as teeth nibbled on lips, tongues delved and mingled. He needed all of her.

Pulling back, the kiss turned gentle, lingering, sweet as Burke fought against the burning need to strip her and take her right there. He knew that he needed to be gentle, to find out more about her before letting his lust and passion for her run rampant.

Their panting breaths mingled as he rested his forehead against hers, his hands gently holding the sides of her neck as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. It felt good knowing that she felt some of the same passion for him.

Burke knew deep in his soul that he was well and truely fucked. This woman was it for him. She was the reason he was still on this earth, and he was going to do everything in his power to show her that they belonged together.

Burke's eyes flew open as Vivian pulled away, her eyes filling with tears as she looked up at him.

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