Burke - Chapter 26

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Vivian felt so good in Burke's arms, and despite her reservations and concerns about things moving too fast, his fascination with her had been going on for the better part of a year.  She was everything he hoped she would be, and so much more.

This woman was all fiery passion when she got out of her own way, but Burke knew that her past rode her hard, even if she didn't want to admit it. He was looking forward to the day that she truly embraced her light and shined for all the world to see.  He just hoped that he would be the lucky bastard to stand at her side.

His hands explored the sides of her ribs and breasts, constrained by the swimsuit. She had blown his mind when she had stripped out of the suit, baring herself to him in an unexpected display of womanly power.  It had been all he could do to keep his cock in his pants as she stood over him, her gorgeous curves glowing in the sun, the juices from her orgasm shining on her inner thighs.  And then when she had turned and walked into the water, he wanted to chase after her and worship her with his tongue.  At the memory, his bare cock strained against the zipper of his jeans, the heat of Vivian's core pressed into him.  She moaned as she wiggled against him, seeking friction against him.

Excited voices, the crunching of gravel, and the high-pitched barking from Pax heralded the imminent arrival of the kids.  Gently pushing Vivian back by the shoulders, he grinned up at her.  "I'm guessing that you don't want the kids finding us making out on the floor of your kitchen like a pair of horny teenagers."

Her face went red as a look of mortification twisted her features. "Oh my god, no." She scrambled to her feet and held out a hand to help him up.  Accepting her help, he smirked at her just as the door to the mudroom was opening.  He turned his attention to the box on the table as he pulled out his phone while she greeted the kids.  Stepping through the living room and outside to the front porch, he called Hunter as the sound of excited kid voices filled the house, Elenore and Matt speaking over one another to fill their mother in on their day.

Picking up on the third ring, Hunter's jovial voice boomed through the speaker of Burke's phone. "Dude, this has got to be a record.  Two times in a week!" Burke growled at him, scowling at his rising irritation with his friend. "Ah, come on man, I'm just messing with you. Now, wipe that scowl off your face and tell me what you need?"

Grunting once, annoyed that Hunter had guessed about him scowling, Burke laid out the details of the camera Vivian wanted to have installed.  As Burke had guessed, Hunter knew exactly what to do and started rambling off parts that she would need to get it done.  But he paused when Burke mentioned the timeline. "She wants it done today?  I don't know about you, but that strikes me as odd.  If there is one thing I can say about Moss Agate, it's a quiet town.  I can't even remember the last time anything remotely serious happened around here, other than bored kids tagging buildings."

Burke nodded. "Yeah, it seemed odd to me, too.  But she won't tell me what is going on.  Just mentioned something vague about a client she had to fire that is making a bit of a fuss and her being a lone woman with two kids without anyone else around.  I don't think any of her clients are local, though, so again, why the urgency?"

Hunter blew a breath out, obviously concerned. "I don't know, man.  Just let her know that I am on my way and that if I don't have a part or something she needs to get this done, then I know a guy, but I think it should be easy enough to get set up."

"Thanks, I will let her know.  I owe you one." 

Hunter scoffed.  "Fuck, man, what are friends for?  Now let's give your woman some piece of mind and get that camera installed for her.  Give me an hour or so."  

Ending the call, Burke slipped his phone into his pocket and went back inside the house just as the kids went racing by with a hasty hello to play and explore outside.  Grinning after them, Burke shook his head at the amount of energy they still had, even after a full day of school.

Vivian wasn't downstairs so he guessed that she had gone upstairs to change out of her swimsuit.  His mouth watered at how it had hugged her delectable curves and pushed her amazing breasts together.

Leaning against the counter in the kitchen, his mind wandered back to the confident goddess he had met at the pond, how soft her skin was under the rough callouses of his palms, the way she had looked at him with excitement and arousal. He knew that some men were probably intimidated by her height and curves, but not him. He thought she was perfect, a little scuffed and dinged by life, but it added to her appeal.

Adjusting himself as he grew hard, again, he heard Vivian's quiet footsteps coming down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen, her eyes immediately finding his as she smiled brightly. "Well, there you are, cowboy." She said as she caged him in with her hands braced on either side of him on the counter. "What are you doing all by yourself in here?"

Leaning down to peck her on the lips, he pushed his hips into hers. "Thinking about you."

"Oh yeah?" She said as a blush staining her cheeks even as heat filled her eyes. "Like what?"

Placing his hands on her hips, he grinned. "Yeah. Like how I want to plant myself as deep inside you as I can and never leave. How I want to explore every single inch of you, taking my time to find out exactly what pushes your buttons. I'm thinking about how I want to spank that juicy ass when you tease me too much," He leaned in close and whispered into her ear after nipping it, "About how I think you will like that more than you want to admit right now. I want to worship your body and prove to you that earlier today was anything but a fluke."

Eyes wide and lips slightly parted, Vivian gulped as Burke kissed her on the forehead.

"Hunter said to give him about an hour. He is already brainstorming ideas on how to best get your camera up and running."

"Um, uh, ok." She stammered, clearly affected by his words. "Um, I guess I will get to work on dinner."


True to his word, Hunter had shown up about an hour later, loaded down with supplies and components he thought Vivian would need to get the camera set up, as well as a six pack of beer.  It didn't take him long to set up a signal booster that would take the wi-fi from the house and send it to the wireless camera set up at the other end of the driveway.  They had found a tree set back a few yards from the fence line and driveway that gave the camera a good angle to see into the cab of any vehicle but was also close enough to pick up the license plate.  They had tested it numerous times after getting the app set up on Vivian's phone, making sure that the camera didn't activate if there was just regular traffic going by on the road. 

And, just like the other day, Vivian had invited Hunter to stay for dinner as a thank you.  They had feasted on a chicken and vegetable pasta with some kind of creamy garlic lemon sauce, with some more of the homemade bread that Burke was swiftly falling in love with.  And, just like the other day, Hunter left with a full belly and a tub full of leftovers shortly after the meal finished after giving Burke a significant look and a wink.

The kids had settled down to do some homework with strict orders to get ready for bed once they were finished, while Vivian and Burke had retreated to the swing hanging from the front porch. They had settled into a companionable silence, watching as dusk colored the sky vibrant pinks, reds, and oranges as they cuddled together, Vivian's feet tucked up onto the swing next to her.

A buzzing sound made Burke frown as Vivian checked her phone. Her breath caught as she frowned down at the screen, and then hastily turned it off, but not before Burke saw the message.

Steve: I'm coming for you, bitch. Don't think for a second that you can get away from me. Saturday morning, you are mine.

Burke's nostrils flared as anger sparked through him, the reason why Vivian had wanted the camera installed glaringly obvious. He wasn't sure why Vivian wasn't asking him for help, but he was gong to make damn sure that she had backup when this fucker showed up.

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