Vivian - Chapter 35

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The first thing Vivian noticed was that she was comfortable and warm.  The second was that there was a body wrapped around her.  Tensing, her eyes flew open with a gasp.

"Easy, darlin," Burkes warm baritone sent shivers down her spine as his breath tickled her ear. "You're safe.  No one is going to hurt you."

"Burke? What are you doing here?" She hated the tremor that threaded through her voice.

"I carried you up here after you collapsed.  I didn't want you anywhere near that piece of shit when you woke up.  As far as I know, he is still laying on your porch where you left him.  Hunter called the sheriff, should be here soon."  Burkes arms tightened around her as he spoke.  "Vivian, I was so scared for you.  When I heard the gun go off..."  He trailed off as he nuzzled into her hair.

"You came for me.  I didn't tell you that I was in trouble, but you were here anyway."  She couldn't quite believe that Burke was there when she needed him, despite their conversation on the phone the previous evening.

"I told you, anything you need, I am here for you.  That means good or bad, you can rely on me."

Vivian still felt shaky and weak, but lying there in Burke's arms was bringing her more comfort than she had expected.  Turning in his arms, she gazed into his eyes as she really looked at him.  He was such a beautiful man, with his copper eyes and dark hair.  She swept a lock back from his forehead and ran her fingers through his hair.  He parted his lips at her touch and she couldn't help but take his lips with her own in a soft, sensual kiss.

They kissed softly, lying on her bed, hands gently touching over their clothes until they heard their phones notification sounds go off.  Vivian groaned in protest, not wanting to leave their little bubble.  Burke chuckled against her lips as he gave her one last lingering kiss.

"I'm here, darlin.  Whatever you need.  Hunter is with the kids at the pond and won't let them come back until we give the all clear, alright?"  He swept a couple escaped locks of hair back from her face as she nodded.

"I can't thank you both enough for helping me.  I owe you both so much." Vivian said as she stood up and looked down at Burke.

Hearing her words, Burke frowned and shook his head.  Standing, he walked around the bed until he was in front of her.  Taking Vivian's hands, he leaned down until his forehead touched hers.  "Darlin, you don't owe anybody anything.  Not me.  Not Hunter.  No one." He captured the side of her neck, his fingers lacing through her hair and smiled when Vivian leaned into his touch. "I consider it an honor to help you.  Every day that you let me be in your life is a day that I will cherish forever." He kissed her on the forehead.  "Now, I am going to stand with you when we talk to the sheriff, but I have a feeling that once he hears everything that has been going on, you won't have anything to worry about."


Sheriff Dawson pulled up behind Steve's car just as Vivian and Burke opened the front door.  Steve had gone quiet and was leaning up against the side of the house, but once he saw the sheriff standing there, began screaming again.

"Fuck, sheriff, this crazy bitch shot me!  I was minding my own business and she started brandishing a gun at me!"  He was pale and sweaty but shut up with a gulp when Burke glared at him.

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes at Steven, Vivian pulled out her phone as she walked down the steps to greet the sheriff, holding out her hand for him to shake.  "Sir, my name is Vivian Preston and for the last week, this man has been harassing me and threatening me.  I used to be his bookkeeper until he thought that I was wanting more from him.  He was grossly mistaken.  I fired him as my client and he...did not take it well."  She turned to look at Steve and shook her head.  "I kept all of the text messages that he sent me and I can provide the contract termination paperwork stating the reasons why I fired him as my client, as well as testimony from my previous employer regarding his reaction to said contract termination.  I did shoot him, but it was under the stand your ground law.  If you read the texts that he has sent me over the course of the week, you will see that he was escalating in his threats and even threatened my children.  I had reason to believe that if he managed to get into my home he would cause me harm."

The sheriff eyed her from under his hat and nodded.  "Ms. Preston, thank you for being straightforward with me.  I will need to take your phone as evidence until we are able to request the text message history from your mobile phone carrier." He fished a business card out from one of the pockets of his shirt and made a note on it. "Please email me a copy of the contract termination paperwork as well as any other correspondence between you and..."

"Steve Pascal." Vivian supplied.

"Mr. Pascal, then.  I am assuming this man also needs medical treatment?" At Vivian's nod, he sighed and spoke into his radio.  "Ok, an ambulance is on the way.  You do understand that if it is found that lethal force was considered unnecessary, you may be tried in a court of law?"

Vivian took a deep breath and nodded.  "Yes, sir.  But I feel that once the evidence is reviewed, you will find that I was completely justified in my actions.  I would like to press charges."

"Don't believe a word that fucking bitch says, officer!  She lured me here under false pretenses and then shot me when I drove up!" Vivian inhaled a shaky breath and bit her lip, suddenly unsure if the text messages would be enough.

"Ms. Preston, why don't you go ahead and unlock the phone for me and pull up those messages while I evaluate Mr. Pascal."  Vivian nodded and did just that as Officer Dawson strode up her porch steps and crouched down next to Steve.

"Alright, Mr. Pascal.  Let's take a look at your wound." Officer Dawson lifted up Steve's pantleg and poked and prodded at the wound after putting on a pair of nitrile gloves.  After a moment, he stood up and took off the gloves, making sure to turn them inside out to prevent any contamination.  "It's your lucky day, Mr. Pascal, it's a deep graze, nothing life threatening.  If I hadn't already called for the ambulance, I would wrap it myself and take you to the clinic."

"Are you going to arrest her?" Steve spit out as he glared angry daggers at Vivian.

"No, Mr. Pascal.  I am not going to arrest Ms. Preston." Vivian handed the officer her phone and he glanced over the text messages, his lips pressed into a grim line.  "However, I am going to arrest you."

"What the fuck?  What for!  I'm innocent in all this!  You should be cuffing her!"  Steve began to curse and struggle again as Officer Dawson cuffed and read Steve his rights.

"I suggest you stop talking, Mr. Pascal.  Please be aware that I am wearing a body camera and everything you say and do is being recorded and is admissible in a court of law."

Steve didn't stop glaring at everyone but was smart enough to shut his mouth at the sheriff's warning.

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