Burke - Chapter 22

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Burke exploded into action, one hand spearing into her hair as the other pulled her closer to him.  His hardness was perfectly lined up with her heat and he cursed the clothes that were between them.  His mouth watered as he saw the zipper that held her swimsuit closed was slowly losing its battle against her ample breasts, but did not help it along as he planted his face into Vivian's neck.

Sucking, kissing, biting, he ran his hand down her side and squeezed her ass, her legs squeezing his thighs as he slowly kissed down the skin that was being revealed by the zipper.  Her hands speared through his hair, urging him on, the sound of her moans a beautiful symphony.

Not able to stand it any longer, he inched the zipper down until Vivian's beautiful breasts sprung free from the confines of the swimsuit.  Big, full, and everything he dreamed they would be, he gently kneaded them as he licked and sucked on the hard peaks, tearing cries of pleasure from Vivian's mouth.  Leaning her back, he kissed the soft skin of her stomach until he was blocked by the fabric of the swimsuit.

Kissing back up her chest and neck, he licked her ear. "I bet you are so wet right now.  I can smell how turned on you are.  Remember what I said earlier, but if you give me permission, I would really like to touch you.  Everywhere."

"No sex." She gasped out, her breaths short and quick as he rolled a nipple between his fingers.  Kissing her on the lips, she moaned into his mouth as his hand slowly ran down her back, giving her time to change her mind.

"Anytime you want to stop, just say so and I will stop, no matter what." He looked her in the eye and was pleased to see them hooded and dark with lust.  "I need you to say you understand, darlin."

"I understand," She panted, "Now kiss me."

Capturing Vivian's lips, he poured all his want and need and desire for her as she reached down and opened the front of her jeans.  Gently, he traced his fingers down her stomach as she shuddered under his touch.  Slowly, he worked his hand beneath her and smiled into her mouth when he found a gap in the fabric of the swimsuit, right at the apex of her thighs.

"This is convenient." He murmured as his fingers lightly traced the most sensitive part of her.  She jolted at the touch, her hips jerking as his lips found the skin of her neck again.  Working himself beneath her folds, Burke circled her clit until she shuddered and trembled in his lap, the sounds coming from her mouth telling him what she liked best.

Burke ground his palm into that little swollen nub, he slowly began to slip a finger inside her wet heat, the feel of her slick and hot against the digit as he worked his way inside.  Vivian rocked her hips, urging him deeper into her until he found that textured part that made her throw her head back, a low guttural moan indicating he found her g-spot.  Adding a second finger, she thrashed against him as she edged closer to the precipice.

Her cries were wordless as he worked her over.  Her skin was flushed, sweat dampened her brow, and her eyes were closed as her face twisted in ecstasy.  She was so close, he could feel it.  Gripping her neck, he brought her close to rest his forehead against hers.

"Open your eyes, darlin.  I need you to look at me."  Her breaths sawed in and out as he continued to thrust his fingers against her g-spot.  Finally, she opened her eyes, her gaze hazy as she tried to focus on him.  "Imagine that is my cock inside you, drenched in your sweet juices, making you feel good.  Imagine me splitting you wide open as you take it deep until I am smacking my balls against your ass.  Imagine me coming inside you, pulsing as I shoot my load deep inside you, painting you, filling you, claiming you." He gritted his teeth as she exploded around him, his words pushing her over the edge, her muscles clamping around his fingers like a vice as she keened.  "Fuck, baby, I want you so bad."

Twitching and shaking and completely boneless, Vivian collapsed against him, her head against his shoulder as she rode the sensations.  His fingers were still inside her, and every time he moved, she would moan again, and the clenching would start all over.

Eventually, her body settled down enough that he was able to remove his hand.  Licking her juices from his fingers, he grinned, satisfied that he had been able to bring her pleasure.  "You taste so good, baby, so sweet.  I'm looking forward to feasting on you."  Frowning, he realized there was a slight shaking to her shoulders.  "Baby?  Vivian?  Can you look at me, please?"

The blood drained from his face as she looked up at him, tears and despair in her eyes. "I fucked up.  Baby, I am so sorry, I fucked up, pushed you when I shouldn't have." Burke was beginning to panic, his breaths coming shorter and shorter as he wasn't sure where to put his hands.

"Burke, stop." Vivians's voice came out small and full of sorrow. "You didn't do anything wrong.  I wanted you to touch me." She wrapped her arms around his chest as she laid her head on his shoulder. "You don't understand the gift you just gave me."

It took a moment for her words to register, but when they did, the panic leached out of him, replaced by confusion. "Will you tell me?"

Vivian nodded as she snuggled into him, wrapping his arms around her. "I have only ever orgasmed like that once in my life, and it was not with my husband.  It was with someone else, an ex from before I met him.  I just...something kept me from fully trusting my husband, from being fully vulnerable with him.  I just couldn't let go when I was with him." She sighed into his shoulder.  "For years I tried, but then he kinda gave up on me.  Sex devolved into him thrusting into me for a few minutes while I studied the ceiling, waiting for it to be over.  He never even bothered to see if I was lubricated enough." 

Lifting her head to look at him, she gave him a watery smile. "Technically, he didn't really do anything wrong.  But it still felt wrong, just about every time, especially those last few years.  He was diagnosed ADHD and then found out a few years after we were married that he was autistic, and he had been using orgasms as a form of self-medication to regulate his brain chemistry since puberty had hit.  To say that he had a large appetite is an understatement.  So, when the kids were born and I wasn't up for sexual intimacy, he would fixate on it until I gave in.  He never meant to hurt me like that, but I learned that it staved off a lot of arguments if I just gave in, even if I didn't want to.  We once had a conversation about what the word 'no' meant to him.  Come to find out, he felt that being told 'no' when he wanted something was that person being selfish, and them saying 'yes' was being generous."

"Vivian, I am so sorry you had to go through that.  That sounds like it was skirting the edge of sexual abuse, even if it was unintentional."  Rage, the need to protect, sorrow, and a whole host of other emotions tumbled through Burke.  But instead of acting on any of them, he just held Vivian tighter.

"It's why I questioned your sincerity earlier.  He told me that I could say no at any time, but it wasn't true.  He meant it when he said it, but then he would get a crazy case of the before's and if I said no, he would fixate on it until I gave in."  Vivian took a deep breath and sat up, kissing Burke on the lips.  "I could use a swim.  Someone made a mess of me."

Vivian stood, slowly peeling the swimsuit off her shoulders and rolling it down her body.  Burke groaned, knowing perfectly well that she was choosing to ignore the subject for now.  Leaning back on his elbows, Burke settled in to watch the show.  "We will talk about this again, soon." He warned.  She smirked as she let her jeans fall from her hips, her eyes never leaving his.  His mouth went dry as Vivian leaned over to roll the swimsuit off her legs, her breasts swinging forward like heavy pendulums.  

Standing, she traced her hips, stomach, and sides with her hands before reaching up to the sky in a stretch.  Completely naked, her slick shining on her thighs, Vivian brought one hand down to her seam and swiped a finger through the dampness that gathered there.  Bringing it to her mouth, she sucked on it like a popsicle and then showed him the clean digit.  He just about came right there in his pants at the sight.

Grinning knowingly, Vivian turned and strode into the water. "You coming, cowboy?"

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