Vivian - Chapter 25

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The ten minute walk back to her house was more subdued as both Vivian and Burke were lost in thought. They were about halfway there when her phone began to go off as notifications came through. Glancing at it, Vivian frowned as her skin went pale beneath the flush from walking.

Burke eyed her with concern. "What is it?" He asked a moment later as her phone continued to chime. She thrust the device into her back pocket with a bit more force than necessary as she scowled.

"Just that client I fired. It's nothing to worry about." She marched forward, frustration lining her face as she walked.

"Well now, wait a minute." Burke easily caught up with her and kept pace as she strode forward.  "This doesn't seem like nothing."

Vivian stopped abruptly and put her hands on her hips.  Breathing heavily, even though the walk was an easy one, she looked down at the ground.  "This is my problem to deal with.  My client didn't like being fired and now they are making a bit of a stink.  But I have it handled." She speared him with her grey eyes.

Raising his hands up in surrender, Burke backed off a step.  "Okay, darlin.  But if you do need help, please let me know."  Vivian nodded and started walking again.

As they got closer to the barn, Burke reached down and entwined his fingers with hers.  "Since I am here, is there anything around the place you need help with?  I would suggest that you go inside and take a nap while I took care of it, but I am worried that you might not take that the right way." Vivian gave him a look as he chuckled and kissed the back of her hand.

Giving her a moment to think, he pulled her into the cooler shade of the barn and wrapped her in his arms, the sense of rightness settling on his as she lay her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.  "I know you are used to doing everything on your own and that it will take time for you to trust me, but I am here for you.  I will be here every day if I have to in order to prove it to you.  Wild horses couldn't keep me away from you."  He tipped her chin up.  "I mean that, Vivian."

Heaving a big sigh, Vivian snuggled in closer to Burke, listening to the steady drum of his heart as she breathed in the cedar manliness of him.  "Thank you." She said softly.

"For what, darlin?"  He sounded confused.  Honestly, she was surprised that he was still there.  It had been a rollercoaster of emotions from the moment he arrived.

"For just listening.  For not judging me or trying to fix anything.  Or yelling at me for being so stupid to put myself in that situation." Vivian's sore eyes squeezed shut, refusing to let any more tears fall.  "For your kindness, your gentleness."  She glanced up at him, a mock glare on her face.  "If I find out that this was all an act, that you are just trying to get close to me by pretending to be this awesome, then I will straight up cut off your dick and feed it to the wolves."

Burke threw back his head and laughed as Vivian grinned up at him, mischief sparking in her eyes. "Yes, ma'am.  I consider myself warned."

"Good, because it would be a shame to cut it off before getting the chance to taste it." Smirking, she pulled out of his arms and headed towards the house while he stood there, stunned at the image of her mouth on his cock.  If she gave head the same way she kissed, he was in for a wild ride.

Her laughter rang through the barn as she glanced back, amused at his stunned expression. Catching his eye, he sent her a grin as he followed her to the house.

Inside the house, Vivian sat at the kitchen table, scowling at a box. Looking up at Burke as he stepped into the room, Vivian took a moment to appreciate that, despite his size, he didn't take over the room with his presence.  Instead, it was almost like he just slot into a space that was Burke shaped. She had been joking about cutting off his dick, but at the same time, Vivian was wary about letting someone get too close, too fast.  And she had to admit that this was getting pretty serious, really fast.  Mentally adding it up in her head, Vivian was a bit shocked to realize that it had only been three weeks since Burke had brought over Pax.

Three weeks and he had already seen her naked.  Three weeks and he had played her body like his own personal instrument.  Her eyes went wide and her breath started to shallow as a panic attack loomed.

Burke took one look at her face and ambled over, making sure not to move too quickly lest he startle her and cause her to bolt.  Getting down on his knees, he began the counting exercise he had used at the auction yard as he rubbed slow circles on her upper arms.  Slowly, ever so slowly, Vivian began to come back from the attack.

"Vivian.  I need you to listen carefully." He looked her in the eye and she nodded.  "Good." He took a breath, searching for the right words.  "I am going to assume that you just realized how fast this has been going."  He waited for her to respond, and when she nodded once he nodded in return.  "Okay.  Here is the thing.  I first saw you last summer at the post office.  I knew exactly who you were because, and this may surprise you, this town doesn't exactly get a whole lot of newcomers." Vivian snickered at his small joke.  "And then I saw you again at the feed store a few months later.  You were just as stunning as I had remembered you, and you were with your kids.  I froze, watching you, but not wanting to taint you with my past.  So, I hustled out of there like my boots were on fire." He heaved a sigh, taking her hands in his.  "Then I saw you again at the market. The kids had taken over the shopping list and so I kinda followed you around the store, but it was mostly by accident.  Again, you had me all sorts of twisted up inside.  And then you ended up being behind me at the checkout stand." He chuckled and she tilted her head, confused.  "That boy of yours has one heck of a stare.  He watched me the whole time I was there, like I was some kind of new organism he had never seen before.  I have never felt so scrutinized in my life."

"Yeah, he is pretty observant.  Really smart, too." She looked down at their hands. "He doesn't trust easily, either.  So, he watches how people act when they think they aren't being watched.  He sees and hears a lot more than he is given credit for.  They both do, actually.  They saw and heard so much that they should have been protected from.  But my husband never saw the need to keep our conflicts between us.  He believed that they should see 'two people who love each other come to consensus and overcome their differences'.  But the only thing they saw was how sad and upset he would make me, or how I would give up and give in to him, or how he would go on and on and on when he was hyperfocused on something." She scoffed. "Even my stepson understood and sympathized with what I was going through, which I never expected."

Hugging her, Burke kissed the side of her head and she leaned into the comfort that he was giving.

"So, what is this box that you were glaring holes into?" Burke asked, changing the subject, which Vivian was grateful for.  

"Well, I realized that I am a woman alone on a big piece of property, with two young kids.  I would like to set up a discrete camera near the end of my driveway so that it sends a notification and a video clip to my phone when someone is coming down my driveway.  Ideally, it would be motion activated and solar powered.  I would like to get it set up today, but I am concerned about getting a wi-fi signal out that far.  Setting up a wired connection would most likely be the most reliable, but digging a ditch and ordering a cable that long would take more time than I would like right now." Burke gave her a questioning look and she smiled, hoping that he couldn't see the fear that dug in under her ribs. "I'm not saying that I can't do that, and I will probably start working on that in the near future, but it would make me feel more secure if I could get the camera put up, and I could really use some help with it, if you are willing."

Burke nodded, concern beginning to etch into his face. "This is a fairly safe town, not much going on that I can speak of.  But, okay.  I will help you.  Let me call up Hunter, he is a technical wizard at this sort of thing, and I am sure that he probably has exactly what you need just laying around somewhere.  And if not, well, he knows a guy."

Gratitude flooded through through her as she flung herself into him, her arms around his neck as she knocked him off balance.  Stradling him on the floor, she slammed her lips down on his in a searing kiss that immediately turned heated and wet.

Making out with Burke was awesome.  He scooted them back so that his back rested against a cabinet door, providing support when she pushed her chest into him.  She hadn't bothered to put her shirt back on and while the zipper of the swimsuit stayed put, it offered easy access to Burke's wandering hands.

Moaning as her core pushed into the hardest part of him, Vivian let herself get lost in the sensation of this man touching and making her feel good.

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