Chapter 01: Waking up in another world

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                            Liam Saterr's pov

     My eyes fluttered open as the sun's rays streamed through the window directly on them. As I sat up in bed and looked around, I quickly realized that this was not the room I fell asleep in. For one it was painted a horrendous shade of brown unlike the soothing sky blue of my actual room and for two there was hardly anything in it except a suitcase in the far left corner and a backpack sitting on a desk in the far right corner. Quickly getting out of bed I rushed over to the backpack hoping to find something to indicate where I was, and promptly came to the realization that I was now child sized about the height I was at age five. The backpack had a D shaped logo on the front which almost seemed to resemble half of a PokeBall. Unzipping the backpack and pulling out its contents which were a notebook with the same logo on the front and a couple of pencils, along with some sort of debit card looking object and a Id card of some sort that read Liam Saterr picture of what looked to be a five year old me.
Deciding to open the notebook and hope something written there would help me glean information as to where I was. Thankfully the notebook appeared to be some sort of a journal .
"Dad got some time off and permission to use the company's condo in Paldea so I guess we're going on a vacation." The first entry went on to describe how excited the owner was to be going on vacation and had decided to keep a journal to chronicle his adventures in the Paldea region. Which thankfully enough told me everything I need to know about where I was. The pokemon universe, specifically Paldea at some company's vacation condo. {Lovely, well I guess I'm stuck here since I have no idea what caused me to be brought here in the first place. Figures I start out in a region for a game I've never played}
"Liam breakfast is ready," a female voice who I could only assume was my new mother shouted at me.
" Be right there," I shouted back realizing I had no choice but to go along with how a normal kid would respond and go down for breakfast.
Walking outside of my room I noticed a set of stairs to my right and began heading to stairs to breakfast. I began to try and process the current situation. {Ok so been essentially shoved into a kids body in the world of pokemon into a seemingly well off family judging by the fact that we're on a vacation and the condo seems to be very nice. Honestly things could be worse, it's not like I have anything I'll really miss from my old world and I doubt many people will miss me.}
I reached the bottom and heard the sound of plates being set at the table so I turned and headed in the direction of the noise. {I guess I should count my blessings and use this opportunity to have a good life and live out every child's dream of being a strong pokemon trainer}
Finally reaching the table after what felt like an eternity but was actually only maybe two minutes I took the open seat and was warmly greeted by my new mother and father. After responding in kind I decided to ask about what our plan for the day was.
"Liam don't you remember we're going out exploring today," My father began while stroking his beard, He then gave a warm smile. "who knows maybe we'll come across a pokemon or two. You're about the right age to finally have one."
"Yes after talking it over we've agreed that you're finally responsible enough to have your first pokemon," My mother began while twirling a strand of her blond hair. " Remember though it's important to find a pokemon who is compatible with you, your first pokemon is ideally a lifelong friend and partner."
"Really I finally get to have a pokemon" I respond unable to keep the joy at the idea out of my voice or hide the smile that was breaking out across my face.
"Yup as soon as you get yourself cleaned up and dressed we can go out and start looking," my mom said, "I was quite the trainer back in the day so we shouldn't have to worry about being attacked by any wild pokemon."
"Alright," I said as I finished eating the last of what was on my plate. " May I be excused so I can go get ready?"
"Sure thing squirt," My father replied, "Make sure to grab your phone from the counter it should be fully charged. Meet us down here by the door when you're ready.

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