Extra chapter: Contemplating a Promise

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This takes place just after the Gala Finale and while it's not necessary to read I like to think it adds something. There will probably be at least one more chapter maybe two covering this little side storyline.
Liam pov

" By the way your dress looks nice." I told Nemona as we ended our hug.
" Thanks." Nemona stuttered out as she walked towards the exit to meet up with her family.
" What the heck was that?" I muttered to myself. Seriously what the heck was I doing? Borderline flirty compliments and promising to learn how to dance with the implication being that I would dance with her. I shouldn't be getting this attached to her but maybe the fact that unlike the real Liam's parents Nemona wasn't hugging someone else when she had run up and hugged me, her feelings of joy at seeing me weren't for someone else. That was probably why I couldn't stand her thinking I didn't want to dance with her.
" Oh Liam there you are." Mother's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. " It's time to go home you have school tomorrow."
" Ok." I replied starting to walk home. Right I had trainer school tomorrow which sounded a lot more fun than it was. I mean yes learning exactly how trainers could make a living was useful and the fact that the school taught survival skills was also neat since I most certainly didn't know how to cook or set up a tent but in addition to most of my classmates not having passed the provisional license exam like the original Liam had, I didn't have any friends. Guess even before I showed up the original Liam wasn't really a people person which made school a lonely endeavor. Which was fine, I certainly didn't need anyone after all  I was M...
  Realizing where my thoughts were heading I tried to distract myself until we reached the house. Unfortunately the more you try not to think about something the more you inadvertently think about it which led me to think of the origin of the phrase I was about to think. When I was younger I'd read something that had always stuck with me "suck it up and act divine". That phrase had over time become something ingrained into who I was, if I was lonely I didn't need anyone else because I was better than everyone else, if I were scared I shouldn't be because I was better than everyone else. It was only with the clarity of this second chance I'd realize that my decisions based on that thought process had also isolated me because it led me to make numerous stupid decisions but even with that realization some of the habits I'd developed were too ingrained to break.
Walking into the house I bid the parental units goodnight and headed into my room. It was times like these I would briefly contemplate using a psychic type pokemon to wipe my memories and fake an accident that would explain my amnesia but even though I would occasionally consider it I knew deep down that I would never do something so pathetic after all a second chance with no memories would be a waste and I'd wasted enough opportunities. Plus it'd be such a cowardly idiotic thing to do removing a core piece of one's self just to avoid the burden it brings would only make me weaker and I was better than that.
Getting into my pajamas I laid down on the bed and looked out the window at the stars. Unable to sleep I mentally categorized all the things I wouldn't do in my previous life. Dancing was actually pretty high on the list, I'd always thought it beneath me after all acting divine meant always being in control not flailing about in an undignified manner or letting emotions guide your movements something a movie called Shall We Dance that I'd watched in English class had taught me was necessary to truly dance. That had been the majority of why I'd never bothered to learn how to dance but also because no one had ever asked me until now.
  "Maybe this time around things could be different, I could be different." I ideally mused aloud to myself. I'd always believed that people couldn't change but I suppose I'd already changed after all I was no longer Michael Davenport but Liam Saterr so I guess I didn't have to play by Michael Davenport's rules anymore I was free to redefine myself however I pleased well as long as it wouldn't negatively impact the real Liam in case we ever switched back. Surely keeping my promise to Nemona would be fine.
" I wonder if I can find a how to dance book to teach me." I muttered before falling asleep.

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