Chapter 03: Getting Started Part 2

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                              Liam Saterr pov

Upon reaching area one as it's called I pulled out the tablet and turned it on. Immediately it displayed several dots that indicated pokemon moving about to the east up by a large hill so we started trekking towards it. Along the way we encountered various pokemon some I recognized like Fletchinder and Buizel but none that really seemed to be what I was looking for. After a very long walk we made it to the large hill and noticed all sorts of pokemon most of which I had never seen before running around. As we began walking down a narrow path up the side of the  the ground began to shake and the ground I was standing on gave away and I fell.
  Landing was very painful but miraculously I don't think anything was broken. I did have a couple of minor cuts that were bleeding on both my legs and arms. Reaching into my bag I pulled out the first aid kit and began to bandage myself.
"Char, Char!" The sudden noise surprised me and I looked around. Spotting a small orange and black pokemon with a small flame on its head slumped up against some of the rocks that had fallen.
"Hey are you ok?" I asked as I got up shakily and slowly made my way towards the obviously injured pokemon. " I've probably got something in here that will help if you're hurt."
"Charcadet, Char, char Char, char char!" The pokemon frantically waved its right arm at me and gestured at its left leg and arm. As it did this the fire on it's head seemed to get slightly bigger and less controlled, which I interpreted as a sign of panic.
" Don't worry everything will be fine," I said in a calm voice remembering a first aid seminar where we were told to act calm so that the person receiving aid wouldn't panic and make things worse. " Please let me take a closer look?"
"Char, char char char." The Charcadet responded as its flame seemed to calm itself but didn't yet shrink.
Taking that as permission I moved closer to the fallen Charcadet and looked at its left arm and thankfully it didn't seem broken but there was some heavy discoloration near its shoulder. Moving down to get a better view of its leg I noticed much the same but that the discoloration was far bigger and darker.
Opening my bag I found a couple of potions that were in there in case I found a pokemon early into our exploration and wanted to go off on my own with it. Deciding to spray the leg first I started applying the potion and watched as the discoloration began to slightly fade. The Charcadet slumped with relief so I guess I was using the potion correctly. As the first bottle ran out I grabbed the second one and decided to use the first half of it on the still slightly discolored leg and the remaining half on the arm. As I watched the discoloration on the arm fade away entirely my phone began to ring.
  I answered it to the sound of my new parental units as expected. " Are you ok?" My mother's voice shouted through my phone filled with worry.
" Yeah. I'm fine, just a couple of minor cuts." I reply as I try and look for a way back up. I unfortunately don't see any but there is a cave nearby.
" Do you see any ways back up?" My father asked.
" No obvious ones but there is a cave entrance nearby," I say as I start to walk towards it. " Maybe there will be a tunnel that will take me back up, in there."
While I'm having this conversation I notice the Charcadet stand up and begin to follow me towards the cave.
"That could be possible after all there is also a cave entrance up here by us," Mother pointed out. " If you had a pokemon I would tell you to try going through the cave but without one it could be dangerous.
The Charcadet catches up with me and points at the PokeBall attached to my belt.
" Char, Char Charcadet." He states with determination.
" You want to be my pokemon?" I ask, " Are you sure?"
"Char." It states whole nodding its head.
"Well Mom, it looks like I just got my first pokemon," I take the PokeBall off my belt and hold it out to Charcadet letting him reach out his arm in what would otherwise be a fist bump if not for the PokeBall in my hand. As soon as his hand makes contact with the center of the ball it opens up and Charcadet disappears into it.
" That's wonderful Liam," both of my parental units start to say in almost perfect sync.
" What is it?" My father asks.
" A Charcadet," I reply, "he appears to be a fire type."
" Your phone has an app that can tell you about the pokemon you catch." My father began. " We developed it at the Devon corporation, it's called the Pokedex app.  We named it after Professor Oaks original device."
  "Alright I'll check it before I go in. See you guys when I get back up there." I say as I hang up.


Author's Note:

So yeah Liam's first pokemon is a Charcadet. Frankly I thought the Charcadet line was the best thing to come out of Gen 9, so i wanted to use one for this.

Now while I have the first 3 of Liam's pokemon planned out and am set on them, I'm not dead set on any of the other spots on his team so if anyone would like to make a case for a specific pokemon to be on his team, I'm open to suggestions so feel free to comment ideas. Remember anime/manga style battles and applications of moves.


ny gimmick can be used though some are region locked like Dynamax can only be used in Galar(with two exceptions). but not all gimmicks will be immediately available. Terrastalizing and Megas for example will not be made readily available until later in the story.

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