Chapter 09: Gala Finale

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Nemona pov
Two weeks before the Devon Corporation gala.

"Sprigatito use Leafage! " I called out watching as Sprigatito shot off leafs at the opposing Smoliv momentary blocking it from my view. When the leafs disappeared the Smoliv was on the ground with spirals in its eyes.

My schoolmates cheered and began congratulating me. A pleasant feeling welled up in me as it always did in the aftermath of a battle. I felt like I was made for this, battling came so easily to me, I could just throw myself headfirst into Pokemon battles and forget about how my parents loved my perfect older sister more than me. At this point I'd challenged everyone in my class with a pokemon to a battle and while every battle was fun none of them compared to my battles with Liam. Unlike all of my classmates the boy from Hoenn and his Charcadet seemed to always be in perfect sync which made battling him a unique challenge that I'd yet to overcome.

After ensuring both Smoliv and Sprigatito were ok I said goodbye to my classmates and headed home.

" Nemona how was your day? " My mother asked as I walked into the house.

" It was fine." I said confused as to why she was bothering to greet me when normally she didn't.

" Oh that's nice I suppose." She said smiling before continuing. " So we've been invited to a charity gala on Hoenn, does your dress still fit?"

"Ugh, do we have to go I hate galas." I groaned already dreading it, before I processed the location. " Wait where in Hoenn? "

" Rustboro City, the Devon Corporation is holding its annual fundraiser charity gala." My mother said. " So does your dress still fit? "
" I don't know let me go check." I said as I ran past her up the stairs to my room a smile on my face. Flinging open my closet I grabbed my dress to try on.

To my dismay it didn't fit. Running back down the stairs I was shocked to find mother still waiting for me.

" Noitdoesn'tfitI'llsoprobablyneedanewone." I said mildly happy at the prospect of going shopping.

" Let's try that again but slower this time." Mother said contempt clear in her voice.

" No it doesn't fit, I'll need a new one." I said making sure to temper my excitement and slow down. After all if they thought I was too excitable they might leave me here and then how was I supposed to battle Liam.

" Very well, we'll go into town and get you one." Mother said looking at me strangely. Before heading towards the door. " Well come along."

Skipping I caught up to her and we walked into town together, likely drawing some glances as mother was frowning at me while I couldn't help but to smile. The actual dress shopping was quick at least I picked out a green dress that matched the highlight in my hair and had mesh sleeves with floral print on them.

Day of the gala

So even though we'd arrived at Rustboro City a day early I had underestimated how hard it would be to find Liam. Now I had to go to this boring gala and be bored. Putting on my dress we got ready to leave our go to the Devon Corporation Building for the gala.

Entering the Devon Corporation I looked around in wonder at the decorations and all of the lights that were hung up. I decided to look around for something interesting as my sister and parents began mingling. Pity there weren't any pokemon battles happening. Looking around I saw some stairs deciding to go see where they led I began walking towards them. All of the sudden a young man with blue hair who looked vaguely familiar came down them and walked a short distance away before an older man with the same hair turned and saw him.

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