Chapter 08: Hoenn and it's Champion

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Liam Saterr's Pov

Two months since arriving in Hoenn

Hoenn was different than Paldea. There was a sense of wonder that felt more present than at any point in Paldea. Probably because Hoenn had always been my second favorite region after Sinnoh so I was a little star struck just being there. Thankfully my new parental units were interpreting this as me being home sick. Rustboro City was a thriving city which given that it housed the Devon Corporation's HQ wasn't a huge surprise.

" Liam it's time to go." My Mother called out snapping me out of my reminiscing.

"Ok I'll be right down." I said before grabbing Charcadet's poke ball and tucking it in my pocket. Quickly adjusting my sky blue tie I raced down the stairs to greet my parental units. My mother was wearing a sky blue sleeveless dress which looked nice with her blond hair. My father was wearing a black three piece suit with Devon Corporation cufflinks and a black tie over a sky blue shirt.

" Oh look honey he's so cute." Mother gushed over me in my black suit with a black button up and sky blue tie.

" Yes dear, but we have to get going if we're going to be at the gala on time." My father said as he opened the door. My mother and I walked out and allowed him to lock the door as we headed to the Devon Corporation HQ for the annual fundraiser gala.

Our house was rather close so the walk wasn't very far. Entering the building I was surprised by the festive atmosphere, lights and decorations littered the main entrance and lobby.

"Walter, so glad you and your family could make it." A voice called.
" Joseph, I wouldn't miss it." My father said turning towards the voice which was a man who appeared to have the same hair as Steven. Instantly I knew I was looking at Mr. Stone the CEO of Devon Corp.

As my father and Mr. Stone began talking, a group of women came up and began chatting with my mother. Taking this as my cue to go and mingle I began walking around looking for anyone that looked interesting. After minutes of searching I had yet to find anyone that looked like they would be interesting so I decided to go explore the building. Going up the stairs to the second floor I was greeted by a hallway with seven doors.

! Bang Crash!

A loud banging noise got my attention so I headed down the hall towards it. Opening the door I was shocked to see a Beldum trying to fly through a circle filled with spinning steel doors and repeatedly getting pushed out. Looking carefully I noticed that the doors were rotating similar but in different directions and would occasionally change directions. Pulling out Charcadet's pokeball I clicked the button and tossed it into the air to send him out.

" Hey Beldum mind if we have a try." I called out to the steel pokemon. The Beldum stopped and looked over at us before backing away from the spinning doors seemingly content to take a small break. "Alright Charcadet when you go through and a door is about to hit you spin like this in the direction of the door."

I stepped forward with my right leg before bringing my left leg up behind it while twisting forward, to demonstrate how I wanted Charcadet to move. Not for the first time I was glad for Charcadet's human-like form, it made it far easier to teach it various movements and stances since it could emulate my own movements.

" Char Char char." Charcadet said nodding his understanding before replicating my movement.

" Alright go ahead and give it a try." I said.

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