Chapter 16: Knight's decision

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Hoenn region
Norman's training ground
Charcadet pov

Everything began to hurt as I was once again slammed into the ground by Slaking marking another defeat. Almost immediately Master is at my side fretting over me and spraying healing medicine over my worst injuries. Already I feel the pain fading as off to the side master's instructor recalls his Slaking looking disappointed. Master apologizes to me, blaming himself and his strategy as he always does when I fail to defeat Slaking but Master's tactics aren't the problem, I am. I'm not where I need to be in order to keep up with Slaking the only reason the matches even appear close is because Master's strategies always maximize my abilities. Honestly I don't know what's worse losing or seeing Master blame himself for the loss.
Thankfully training is over for today so we head back to master's Instructor's house. When we arrive Master disappears into the kitchen offering to help his instructor's family while I attempt to rest on the couch in the living room.
" Statement: You didn't do very well against Slaking today." Beldum said as it came up to me. Its robotic monotone voice taking some of the harshness out of what it was saying. Beldum didn't often speak to me or Master usually content to only observe. "Statement: I believe I have an idea to help ensure your victory. Question: Would you like my potential solution? Statement: I calculate it having an 90% chance of success if viable."
" Why are you offering help?" I asked annoyed that Beldum seemed to think that it had a solution despite never having battled Slaking.
" Answer: Repeated failure will likely damage //Secondary User//-Liam's confidence. Which could impede his progress to become //Primary User//." Beldum responded before continuing. " Statement: It is my prerogative that //Secondary User//-Liam becomes //Primary User// as quickly as possible."
Beldum had expressed interest in becoming Master's servant alongside me when we met in the room of spinning doors. It seemed that now it was trying to take active steps towards that goal by being helpful. Given how smart it was, hearing it out would likely be helpful.
" Alright what's your potential solution?" I asked wondering what it had thought of that Master hadn't.
" Answer: You must undergo Evolution." Beldum explained before elaborating sounding almost proud. " Statement: //Tertiary User//- Norman's Slaking is significantly bigger than you and is able to take advantage of that to defeat you no matter how technically sound the tactics //Secondary User//-Liam develops for you to employee. Further more your moves seem heavily limited both in terms of scale and number due to your current form, evolution likely solves both those issues."
That actually made a lot of sense, now that it was suggested. Come to think of it why hadn't Master raised the possibility after all we'd already discussed the possibility of me undergoing evolution shortly after we'd initially met. Undergoing evolution into Ceruledge would enable me to learn more moves which would allow Master more freedom with his strategies and remove the need to compensate as much for my small size.
"Question: Is suggested course of action viable?" Beldum asked breaking me from my thoughts. If it weren't for the tone being relatively flat I'd think It wanted my approval.
" Yeah, I think it is and we'll need to bring it up to Master so he can acquire the necessary armor." I answered liking the idea more as I thought about it.
"Question: Armor is required?" Beldum questioned as it started floating.
" In order to determine the form I take special armor is required." I explained getting up and walking alongside Beldum towards Master's room. " The armor of malice guides me into becoming Ceruledge and the armor of wishes guides me into becoming Armarouge."
" Statement: I understand the concept. Question: which form will you take?" Beldum asked.
" Master determined I would evolve into Ceruledge." I replied. " He said it was supposed to be the faster of the two forms."
" Statement: Your agility and speed are vital components to how you conduct yourself in battle. " Beldum said. " Conclusion: //Secondary User//-Liam
Hopefully Master brought the picture of a Ceruledge with him amongst his stuff so I could more easily communicate Beldum 's suggestion to him. Without it I would probably have to wait until we reached his house to properly communicate the idea to him.
I began looking at what was on the desk  hoping the pictures would be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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