Chapter 04: First Encounter

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Liam Saterr pov


Opening up the Pokedex app was relatively simple. That said what I saw left me pleasantly surprised me.

   Name: Charcadet

Gender: Male

Type: Fire

Ability: Flame body

Moves: Flame charge, Fire spin, Protect

Evolves into: Ceruledge or Armarouge

     Burnt charcoal come to life as a pokemon. Possessing a fiery spirit Charcadet will tough opponents fearlessly. They are known to  like berries that are rich in fat.

A fairly decent move pool for a basic pokemon and two different potential evolutions which would merit some research once we got back to the condo.

  Pressing the center button on the PokeBall it opened and in a flash Charcadet emerged from it.

" Guess I should introduce myself now that we're partners." I say, " I'm Liam Saterr."

"Charcadet." Said Charcadet

"Alright let's get a move on." I say while reaching out my hand to fist bump Charcadet as we enter the cave together.

Upon entering the cave I am profoundly grateful that my luck in this world has so far been extremely good. After all I can only imagine how dark the cave would seem if I didn't have the equivalent of a campfire walking next to me. {Sadly a flashlight was not included in my messenger bag. An oversight I would be correcting as soon as I had the chance.} Due to Charcadet's flame I could clearly see two tunnels up ahead.

"Just great. I don't suppose you know the way Charcadet?" I ask just in case he does know, but unfortunately all I get is a shrug to indicate his confusion. Looking down each tunnel I don't see any light or signs that either lead to the surface.

"Charcadet please go stand in front of the path on the left" I politely request of him. Charcadet goes by the left pass and stands there as I stare at his flame attentively. After about half a minute I ask him to switch to the tunnel on the right. As he is standing in front of the right tunnel I notice him flame start to blow back a little towards me.

" Alright looks like we go right." I declare.

"Char chAR, Char Char?" Charcadet asks giving me a  questioning look.

"Oh you want to know why I think the right tunnel leads up." I ask.

Charcadet nods confirming that he would like an explanation.

"Well when I had you stand on by the tunnel on the left your flame stayed relatively still which indicates that there isn't any air coming from that direction. But when you stood by the tunnel on the right you flame shifted towards me which implies airflow from that direction. Meaning the surface is that way."

"Char. Char Char chAr." Charcadet says as he nods in what I'm pretty sure is understanding.

As we continue up the tunnel which seems to have a slight incline {which is a good indication I was right} we reach a cavern that has many stalagmites scattered throughout it. As we begin to walk through the cavern a loud Howl causes both of us to snap our heads to the right where a Houndour is furiously charging at us.

" Charcadet use fire spin," I shout as I jump back.

Charcadet immediately opens his mouth and a steady stream of fire comes out and quickly flows towards the charging Houndour encircling it in a wall of flames. The Houndour unfortunately doesn't have the sense to stop and runs through the flames howling in pain as it does so. As it gets closer it launches a small jet of flame at Charcadet who merely stands still even as I call for him to dodge and lets the attack connect.

Charcadet's flame after being hit seems to glow brighter as both Houndour and I stare in confusion as to why Charcadet seems uneffected. It is at this point I remember his ability is flame body which not only nullifies fire moves but also powers up attacks. Grinning I call out " Charcadet use Flame charge."

Charcadet cloaks himself in flames and rushes towards the Houndour. As Charcadet gets closer the Houndour opens it's mouth to try and use what I assume is either Bite or Crunch only for Charcadet to use his superior speed to dodge it and then slam into Houndour with enough force to send him flying into a stalagmite where it then fell to the floor. The Houndour takes one look at us as it shakily gets back on its feet, then turns and runs off.

" Thank God or rather Arceus it didn't have flame body." A sigh of relief accompanied my words.

Charcadet and I resumed walking straight through the cavern thankfully without another incident and on the other end was a tunnel with light streaming through it.


Author's Note:

See the previous Author's note

ext time: Some light world building

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