Chapter 06: Meeting a battle manic

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Liam Saterr's pov

"Hi there. Are you ok?" I asked awkwardly realizing internally that obviously she isn't ok or she wouldn't be crying but not having anything better to say to open up a dialogue {all in the hopes of getting her to leave my spot , not at all to make her feel better}. " Oh right  you probably don't want to talk to someone whose name you don't know. I'm Liam Saterr from Rustboro city and this is my pokemon Charcadet." I continued with a small smile as I bring up Charcadet
" I'm Nemona from Cabo Poco," she responds as she starts wiping at her eyes and gestures to a green cat nearby. "And this is Sprigatito."
"Now that we've gotten introductions out of the way." I began, " Whats got you out here crying by yourself?"
" Well it's kinda personal." Nemona replies, " I don't really want to talk about it."
" Alright that's fine by me." I state with an air of nonchalantance that quickly fades to enthusiasm with the next words out of my mouth. " Hey how about we have a battle. My Charcadet vs your Sprigatito; what do you say?"
" But I've never actually had a battle, I just Sprigatito a week ago." Nemona said
" Come on a battle will totally cheer you up." I say with a bit of false confidence because I have no idea if a battle will actually cheer her up. " Besides I've only had Charcadet for about three days."
" Well if you think it'll help I guess if Sprigatito agrees I don't have a problem with it." She responds while petting her Sprigatito who has wandered over during the course of our conversation. " Do you want to battle?" She asks the green cat. Who stands up, nods then announces  " Sprig, Sprig."
Which I can only assume meant yes. I was about to tell her to walk over to the other side of the clearing so we could start the match when I remembered something important.
" Hey let's go somewhere with less flammable things. Given that Charcadet is fire type with pretty much exclusively fire type moves." I began to say while scratching the back of my neck. " I don't really want to start a forest fire."
"Oh." Nemona began and then continued with,  "Yeah that's probably a good idea."
So we walked closer to the beach and away from the tree line. Once we were far enough, I picked up a stick and used it to carve a makeshift arena into the sand.
" Ok so neither of our pokemon can go out of bounds and the first pokemon to be unable to battle will lose." I said, " is there any questions or are we good to start."
" We're ready when you are," she said with the beginnings of a small smile appearing on her face.
  " Alright, when the stick hits the ground the battle begins." I said while tossing the stick high into the air towards the middle of the field.
Time seemed to slow down as both pokemon tensed, their eyes trained on the stick as it descended. Both Nemona and I opened our mouths already getting ready to call out our first attack. And then the stick finally hit the ground.
" Charcadet Fire spin" / "Sprigatito use Leafage"   Nemona and I said at near the same time. However because Nemona added an extra word Charcadet reacted first shooting a stream of fire out of its mouth that flowed rapidly at Sprigatito.
Meanwhile the leaf looking fur around Sprigatito' neck glowed green and right before the stream of fire could start to circle her, she released a torrent of shining leaves into the fire while jumping back to avoid the flames that weren't blocked by the mass of leaves.
Across the battle field Nemona began to smile as we both called out our moves again.
" Charcadet Flame Charge" / " Sprigatito use Leafage once more"
Charcadet clocked himself in his crimson flames and dashed towards Sprigatito.
Sprigatito in turn fired off another torrent of glowing leaves in Charcadet's general direction. Most of the leaves began to burn away upon touching the flames clocking Charcadet as he continued to rush towards Sprigatito. Unfortunately some made it through as the clock flame began to dissipate. 
Now that we were closer I should be able to land a clean hit to hopefully wrap this.
"Sprigatito use Bite." Nemona called out her voice sounding much happier then earlier. As Sprigatito quickly closed the remaining distance.
" Charcadet Protect! Then Fire Spin again!" I shouted.
A glowing green orb formed around Charcadet in instant as Sprigatito tried to bite the barrier but bounced off harmlessly. And the barrier faded out of existence as Charcadet once more launched a thin stream of flame at Sprigatito before it had even landed.
" Try countering it with Leafage Sprigatito." Nemonas voice rang out.
This time try as it might Sprigatito wasn't able to counter it in time and found itself surrounded by a miniature cyclone of fire when it let loose its torrent of leaves which were promptly burned away by the flames.
" Jump up and use Leafage again" Nemona instructed.
"Intercept with Flame charge " I commanded
As Sprigatito jumped into the air it was promptly slammed into by Charcadet cloaked in flames. Sprigatito fell to the ground with spirals in it's eyes indicating it could no longer battle.
Grabbing a potion from my bag, I walked over and started applying it to the fallen Sprigatito.  Nemona  was already rushing to her pokemon's side. By and reached us around the time Sprigatito was beginning to get up.
" Not bad that was fun." I said as I pulled out another potion and began to apply it to Charcadet.
" Yeah that was great."  Said Nemona, "I want to keep doing that forever."
" Cool same time tomorrow then?" I said as I started walking home.
" Yeah and tomorrow I'll win." Nemona shouted at my retreating figure.

Author's Note:

With that the rip off of Gen 9's beginning is complete. Also featured is my attempt to give Nemona a reason to love battling so much. Because it distracts her from whatever is bothering her.

Still open to suggestions for the remaining three spots on Liam's team. Again the three locks are Charcadet, Sobble, and Beldum.

Next chapter: I attempt to do something I think is interesting. We'll see what you guys think.

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