Chapter 11: Sentimental decision making

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Liam's pov

Meeting Steven Stone yesterday at the gala was kinda like a dream come true for me. Pokemon Omega Ruby had never been my favorite game as I'd preferred Pokemon Diamond over it and all others. The only reason I'd even bothered to play Omega Ruby was because I'd been too sick to go to school and someone had given the game to me for Christmas. So as I laid feeling miserable and alone on the couch I popped Omega Ruby into my 3DS XL and started playing just to distract myself. When I first encountered Steven in the game I didn't think much of it. Then I kept encountering him and he kept giving me things and explaining things and being helpful, so I began to respect him for being so active in his region and the fact he wasn't willing to throw my ten year old character into the metaphorical fire without at least helping made me start to think of him as a sorta friend. Then I beat him and the Elite Four and started the Delta episode which had Steven still diligently protecting his region despite no longer technically being the champion and more than that now he was operating as your partner to save the world from impending doom. Working in tandem with him to solve the crisis served to heighten my respect for him and start to consider him a loyal friend. Even though I forgot to save the game and ended up losing all my progress I ended up greatly enjoying Omega Ruby, so much so that I wouldn't replay it for months simply because I didn't think it would feel the same way. So despite knowing that this Steven wasn't the Steven from my game, despite knowing my irrational attachment to him was one sided, despite knowing that I could potentially be sent back into my world at any moment; when I got home from school and was greeted by my parental units who told me Steven was here to ask for my help with something I immediately knew my answer would be yes before even hearing what it was. I'd of course make a small show of considering it and would ask questions about whatever he needed my help with but my answer would be yes regardless of his answers.
  " Hello Liam. " Steven greeted me from the couch in our living room. " How was your day? "
" It was boring, school is too easy." I said before continuing. " How was yours? My parents told me you need my help with something."
" It was alright." He said standing up. " Yeah I was hoping to convince you to do me a small favor in four years."
" What is it? " I asked, confused because I couldn't think of what Steven could possibly need from me.
" I need you to participate in and win the Galar cup." Steven said surprising me.
" What is the Galar cup?" I asked hoping the explanation would make me understand why exactly I needed to win it.
" The Galar cup is the most publicized gym challenge in the world."  Steven began explaining. " Only rookie trainers can compete but they have to be sponsored."
" Sponsored?" I interrupted to ask.
" Participates have to be recommended by someone or something of note." Steven said not bothered that he'd been interrupted. " The person who recommended them is their sponsor. The challengers have a limited time frame to clear all 8 of Galar's gyms. Assuming multiple people succeed, a tournament is then held in Windon City. The winner may then challenge the champion to an exhibition match."
" So other than the publicity what's so important about this and why do you want me to participate?" I asked still feeling like I was missing something.
" I suppose the less obvious reason is that nearly every other region is projected to have a special talent enter the pokemon league in four years. Professor Oak's grandson Gary is predicted to be Kanto's, Johto has Drake Ward who allegedly is Lance's apprentice, Kalos has Professor Sycamore's son Alain, Galar will have Leon's younger brother and one of their Gym Leaders younger sister. Young upcoming trainers get talked about more and so does where they come from. Whenever a region debuts a talented trainer who gains some fame the interest in that region gets boosted massively which can increase that region's revenue and tourism." Steven explained.
Things were beginning to click into place, Steven wanted me to be Hoenn 's big new talent so the region didn't fall behind in this talent cold war of sorts.
" Why me and what's the more obvious reason? " I asked.
" The more obvious reason is that the sponsor of the finalist get a cut of the revenue. Which given the scale and popularity of this event is a good chunk of money. Also free advertising for both Devon and Hoenn." Steven responded before answering the more important question. " Talent doesn't exactly grow on trees it's hard to find talent of the caliber I'm talking about. You seem exceptionally talented if your handling of the doors was any indication and we'll have four years to train you up. Plus I think your interesting, not many people would dare sneak off from a gala to try and train."
  " How does the Galar cup function practically is it just one city then everyone is taken to the next one once they face that gym? " I asked intrigued to learn the logistics of this tournament.
" No you lose at a gym and you're out of the tournament." Steven answered before continuing. " Everyone travels separately. In addition to being a tournament the Galar cup also serves as a race. Trainers need to reach certain cities within a specific time frame. Fail to show up on time and you're out."
" Any limits or special rules?" I questioned wondering what the heck I was signing up for.
" Galar's home to a unique method to power up a pokemon called Dynamaxing. Everyone who participates in the cup is given a Dynamax Band so that no one is at a disadvantage." Steven explained. " Other than that not really. If you agree to do it we'll spend the next four years doing our best to prepare you. You won't just be thrown into it."
  " Alright I'll do it." I declared knowing that there was never a chance of me refusing after all how could I not help a friend.

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